Dermatitis Lichenoid Pruritic

Dermatitis is a general term for various skin diseases that have common clinical manifestations and symptoms, such as redness, peeling, itching, etc. One of these dermatoses is lichenous or lichenodiddermatitis, which can have different causes and manifestations. Dermatitis is itchy, painful and uncomfortable for the patient. It can appear on any part of the body, but is most often localized on the arms, legs and torso.

Lichenoid dermatitis has the scientific name "Z-skin lesion" (Z) or "plaque dermatitis" (LS). It is the most common

Pruritic lichenoid dermatitis

Lichenoid pemphigus, which refers to one of the types of the most common allergic dermatoses - lichen planus - has not only a scientific, but also a very unfortunate name. In everyday life they usually talk about blisters with ringworm