Pellagrossic dermatitis

Pectohmygal dermatitis is a disease that occurs when there is a lack of nicotinic acid in the body. It appears as red spots on the skin and can be caused by various factors such as poor diet, lack of vitamins and minerals, and certain medications.

Nicotinic acid (vitamin B3) plays an important role in metabolism and is an essential element for the normal functioning of the body. It is involved in the production of energy, the synthesis of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as in the regulation of the nervous system.

A lack of niacin can lead to various diseases, including Pectofungal dermatitis. With this disease, red spots appear on the skin, which can itch and peel.

To treat pectofungal dermatitis, it is necessary to take vitamins and minerals containing nicotinic acid, as well as use special creams and ointments for the skin. It is also important to watch your diet and eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals.

Dermatitis pellagrossa

Pelligrigative dermatitis is a form of dermatitis that occurs due to insufficient intake of vitamin B3 or nicotinamide. Most often, this type of dermatitis is associated with certain diets, such as a vegetarian diet, fasting, or no dairy products. Often this type of dermatitis is accompanied by weakness and irritability. To treat pellagritic dermatitis, vitamin supplements are usually used to increase the level of niacin in the body. One way to prevent it is to eat vegetables high in vitamin B3 every day.

Symptoms of pellagra type dermatitis

In rare cases, symptoms of pellagra may appear several weeks after starting treatment. This usually occurs because the necessary precautions were not taken initially to reduce sodium intake. This may cause symptoms to ease, but they may also disappear and reappear several months later. Some patients believe that cure for dermatitis was avoided, despite the fact that treatment was taken. However,