Derzhavina Sphincteroplasty

Derzhavin sphincteroplasty is a method of surgical treatment of urinary incontinence in children and adults.

The method was developed by the Soviet pediatric surgeon V. M. Derzhavin in 1969.

The essence of the method is that the affected area of ​​the urethra is strengthened using a flap of muscle tissue taken from the inner surface of the thigh.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia and lasts about 30 minutes. The patient is in the hospital for 5-7 days.

As a result of the operation, urination becomes more controlled and safer for the patient.

However, like any other treatment method, sphincteroplasty has its disadvantages and contraindications. Therefore, before undergoing surgery, you must consult a doctor and undergo all necessary examinations.

**Derzhavina Sphincteroplastic surgery -** surgical correction of pathological defects of the anus. Developed by the famous pediatric surgeon, Professor G.F. Derzhavin in 1945.

**Indications for surgery:** 1. persistent forms of anorectal postvital syndrome