
Desmolysis is the process of breaking down the bonds between protein and lipid molecules in cell membranes. It occurs when the concentration of hydrogen ions in the environment changes, temperature changes or other factors influence.

Desmolysis plays an important role in various biological processes, such as signaling between cells, regulation of enzyme activity, transport of substances across cell membranes, and others. For example, desmolysis can lead to the opening of ion channels, allowing ions to pass through the membrane and participate in various metabolic processes.

However, desmolysis can also be associated with pathological processes, such as disruption of the integrity of cell membranes in various diseases or tissue damage. For example, in Alzheimer's disease, desmolysis leads to the destruction of neurons and disruption of brain function.

Overall, desmolysis is a complex and diverse process that plays an important role in many biological processes and can have both positive and negative implications for the health of the body.

Desmolysis is the process of breaking down the bonds between collagen and elastin molecules in skin tissue. These substances form the basis of connective tissue and provide its strength and elasticity. Desmolysis can be caused by various factors such as age, sun exposure, and the use of harsh chemical cleansers. As a result of desmolysis, the skin becomes less elastic, wrinkles appear, and its tone decreases.

Desmolysis often occurs in older people, since with age the amount of collagen and elastin in the skin decreases, and the destruction of the latter slows down. However, not only age-related changes lead to desmolysis. Skin problems can also occur in young people, for example due to exposure to ultraviolet rays.

One of the main signs of desmolysis is the appearance of deep wrinkles. The skin becomes rough, rough, and folds appear. Pigment spots and peeling may also occur. Desmolinization can also lead to weakening of connective tissues, leading to an increased risk of injury to the skin.