
Contents: Some chemical and physical factors that are bactericidal or virucidal in their action are combined under the general concept of disinfectants. Unlike antiseptics, which are used to disinfect objects that are known to be infected, they are also used to prevent contamination of objects. These include chemical substances and various physical factors (ultraviolet and other radiation, acoustic vibrations, hot air and salt solutions, atomic oxygen, etc.), in certain concentrations they completely inactivate microorganisms (such substances are usually called bactericidal), and when lower-grade individual pathogens temporarily lose their viability (virucidal effect). Physical factors as disinfectants find little practical application. Mechanical removal of infectious agents from the surface of the skin and mucous membranes is one of the important disinfection measures. It is often carried out by rubbing with solutions of various substances and other methods. Disinfectants are also used to purify water. Disinfectant specialist. – these are medicines intended to neutralize the environment, to weaken virulence, or to destroy microorganisms. Disinfectant. joint venture in veterinary medicine for destruction Agricultural: various ticks, helminths, pathogenic flora. To active against. Infectious origins include: 1. Fluorochemicals – chlorine, iodine. 2. Formaldehydes: various groups - formalin, 40% formaldehyde in acetone, turpentine with picrolich (8-15%), formic acid + potassium soap 3. Alcohols, mainly formic. A solution of chlorhexedine in 70 alcohol, phenol with cresol, or 3% alcohol in glycerin, bromoethyl. 4. Imidazoles