Diabetes insipidus Neurohypophyseal

The number of people suffering from diabetes is growing in the world. According to statistics, more than 4% of the world's population suffers from diabetes. 20% of adults and 8% of children are potential patients for the treatment of this disease. If not diagnosed in time, the disease causes irreversible disruption of the functioning of internal organs.

Diabetes mellitus is a group of endocrine diseases that occur due to impaired insulin secretion, resulting in the development of hyperglycemia - a persistent increase in blood glucose levels. Impaired glucose tolerance in the absence of overt diabetes is called prediabetes. The term “diabetes” was first introduced by the German physician Adolf Meilinger in 1890, and subsequently called “sugar diabetes” by Professor Fischer on March 11, 1905. Although insulin was introduced half a century earlier by the German physiologist Max Gustav Jacobi-Hill and the biochemist Tamagno. Diabetes mellitus can be: - Insulin-dependent diabetes or juvenile diabetes (type 1 diabetes); Type 2 diabetes.

Neurogliopphyseal Diabetes insipidus is an endocrine disorder accompanied by the presence of polyuria; discharge of colorless urine. One of the rarest and most difficult endocrine diseases to diagnose. This pathology occurs due to dysfunction of the hormone secreted by the pituitary gland - antidiuretic hormone (ADH). When ADH levels decrease, fluid from the blood enters the bladder despite this and urine levels decrease. Because of this, there is a feeling of extreme thirst against the background of a reduced volume of fluid consumed per day.

This pathology is diagnosed in one person out of 20 thousand patients. It is emphasized that these diseases occur mainly in older people. Neuroendocrine abnormalities can develop in both the left and right parts of the brain.

The diagnosis of NDN is established based on the results of special studies. The study of polyglucin allows one to determine the symptoms that are characteristic of an increased level of ADH by 4–8 times. When analyzing urine they

Diabetes insipidus is an endocrine-secretory pathology of the cerebral cortex, as well as the neurohypothalamic-pituitary system, in which the ability to maintain the intravascular concentration of osmotically free water at rest (in the absence of diuresis or increased urine density) at a level of 250-290 mOsm/l is lost and excessive excretion occurs INSPECTION – yagic fluid. Non-sugar is a liquid produced by hypothalamic neurons and rich in electrolytes, thrips amino acids and peptides. Refers to low molecular weight biological fluids. This process leads to increased kidney resistance to ADH. Therefore, in the background