Diagnostic Methods for Examination of the Intestine X-Ray Examination

Diagnostic Methods for Examination of the Intestines. X-ray Study

X-ray examination of the small intestine allows us to determine its structure and functional features. Before the examination, the patient is asked to drink a contrast suspension consisting of 100 g of barium sulfate and the same amount of water. After 2.5 hours, the suspension begins to flow into the cecum. Earlier and later transition of suspension from the small intestine to the cecum indicates a violation of the motor function of the small intestine.

An X-ray examination of the colon is carried out after taking a barium suspension by mouth or after infusing it with an enema into the rectum (irrigoscopy).

When the suspension is administered through the mouth, it enters the cecum within 2.5 hours. After 3-6 hours, the ascending colon is filled, and after 12 hours, the transverse colon is filled. After 24 hours, the entire length of the colon may be visible. Such an X-ray examination allows us to identify a violation of the motor function of the colon, gives an idea of ​​​​its length, position, shape, and tone.

Infusion of a contrast agent using an enema (200 g of barium sulfate suspension per 1.5 liters of water) allows you to identify narrowing, adhesions and the state of the relief of the colon mucosa.