Diagnostics Biochemical

Biochemical blood test is an important tool in diagnosing various diseases and conditions of the body. It allows you to assess the level of enzymes, proteins, hormones and other biological substances in the blood. These indicators may indicate the presence of infections, autoimmune diseases, metabolic disorders and other pathologies.

**Methodology for performing a biochemical blood test**


Biochemical diagnostics

Definition of biochemistry One of the important areas of science that has recently become in demand is biochemistry. Due to many years of use and development, biology has emerged as a separate science - scientifically - biochemistry, and more recently another science has emerged - nanobiochemistry. This young scientific vector has also been developed. In many ways, he shaped and continues to shape the atmosphere called today the world ecology. The main task of biochemistry is to determine the chemical composition of different environments of the human body, for example, urine, blood, saliva, sweat, digestive juice, bile, lymph, cerebrospinal fluid, tears, various tissues and organs, plasma in general. This knowledge of the inner world of a person is given by specialists without instrumental applications. Enough for this