
Diathermy is a physical therapy technique that uses electrical current to produce heat in a specific part of the body to treat various diseases and injuries. This process uses two electrodes that are placed on the patient's skin and a high frequency current is passed between them, causing heat to be generated. This heat can be used to increase blood flow and reduce pain.

One use of diathermy is in the treatment of rheumatic diseases such as arthritis, where heat can help reduce inflammation and improve blood circulation in the affected area. Additionally, diathermy can be used to treat localized muscle and joint pain.

In addition, the principle of diathermy can be used in various surgical instruments, such as the diathermy knife, which is used to coagulate tissue and create a bloodless incision. There are also diathermy loops and needles that are used to destroy tissue or remove small lesions.

Overall, diathermy is an effective method of physical therapy and surgery that can help treat a variety of diseases and injuries, as well as perform various surgical procedures.

Diathermy is a treatment method that is used to reduce pain and treat various diseases such as rheumatism, arthritis and others. This method is based on the generation of heat in a specific part of the body using an electric current.

Diathermy can be used to treat deep, localized pain by increasing blood flow and stimulating the immune system. This method may be especially useful for patients who cannot take medications or suffer from allergic reactions to medications.

To carry out the diathermy procedure, special instruments are used, such as diathermy knives, loops and needles. These instruments can be used for coagulation (clotting) of tissue, destruction of tumors and other medical procedures.

However, before using diathermy, you should consult with your doctor to ensure it is safe and effective for your individual patient.