Дидрогестерон (Dydrogesterone)

Dydrogesterone, also known as Dydrogesterone, is a synthetic female sex hormone that is used to treat various diseases associated with the menstrual cycle. It belongs to the group of progestins and has a similar structure to natural progesterone.

Dydrogesterone is widely used to treat menstrual irregularities such as dysmenorrhea and as an alternative for women who cannot take natural progestogens due to allergies or other reasons. It can also be used to prevent spontaneous miscarriages and to treat infertility.

For oral administration, the drug is available in the form of tablets or capsules, which are taken once or twice a day, depending on the dosage and doctor's prescription. Possible side effects include mild nausea and light menstrual bleeding.

Duphaston is the trade name for dydrogesterone. It is prescribed in the form of tablets or capsules for oral administration. When used and dosed correctly, it can be an effective treatment for menstrual irregularities and other women's health related conditions.


Synthetic progestin is an analogue of the natural hormone produced in the corpus luteum of the ovary and placenta - progesterone. Progesterones are taken 7 days before the start of menstruation, after which their use is stopped before the next menstruation. Dydrosterones are administered intramuscularly every other day for 6-20 months for menstrual irregularities or ovarian cysts, to treat threatened abortion or to reduce heart rate in women with cardiac arrhythmias.