Diez Operation

Diesa Operaciona, better known as “Death by Abortion,” is a situation in which a woman who intends to have an abortion before the end of her pregnancy takes an overdose of drugs and then experiences complications. This results in the woman's death, leaving the perpetrators possibly unable to complete the illegal operation. Diez operation is a term from the Latin word diēs - day. First of all, it is worth noting that abortion is a serious medical operation for the patient, and it is safe to do it only in special conditions. It is also worth realizing that life is the highest value. The health and life of one person is an undeniable value, regardless of any factors. Remember, life is always one! We will all end up in eternal life in any case. Any prevention is better than recovery; in addition, preventing abortions reduces the risk of developing cancer - and of various forms: uterus, ovaries, mammary glands, etc.

Diesa Operation *Diesa Surgery is a surgical operation to repair damaged tendons and muscles in the hand area. It was developed by the Argentine surgeon Jose Diez and has been successfully used in various fields of medicine for more than fifteen years.*

> What is Diez operation?

Diez surgery is not just an ordinary operation. This is an innovative treatment method that allows you to quickly and effectively restore a damaged hand after a serious injury or surgery. This operation combines modern diagnostic and treatment methods to help patients return to normal life as quickly as possible.

The Diez procedure was developed in Argentina in 2008 and has since become a popular treatment method in this country and beyond. It is used to treat injuries to the tendons, ligaments, muscles and bones of the fingers and toes, which can lead to various conditions such as paralysis, weakness and pain in the hands and fingers.

One of the main advantages of the Diez procedure is that it allows you to restore hand function without the need to wear prostheses. The operation is performed through small incisions in the skin using modern technology