
Dynamometry is one of the methods for determining human muscle strength. In orthopedics and sports medicine, it is used to assess the strength and endurance of the muscles of the arms, shoulders, hips and legs.

The dynamometry method is based on measuring the resistance that muscles exert when performing a certain load. For this purpose, various tools are used, such as dynamometers or electronic devices. Dynamometers have a different measurement range, so they are suitable for patients of any age group and level of physical fitness.

Specialists can carry out dynamometry using special hardware systems for physical development. Such systems make it possible to assess and monitor the condition of patients being observed for muscle and bone diseases. Dynamometer complexes for

Dynamometry is a method of determining the grip strength of a person's muscles, necessary for measuring muscle mass, determining maximum physical potential and developing physical efficiency. It can also be useful in diagnosing many muscle conditions that require more strength and endurance, such as hand weakness.

Dynamometry is used in sports, medicine, and clinical research to evaluate muscle strength and joint position. This method is based on the principles of mechanics and physics and allows you to measure muscle strength and development potential. Dynamometers of different types can be used for individual or group assessment of the result. They typically involve two arms and allow up to three measurements each. Selecting the dose of drugs using the “pintification” method for this process is unreasonable and economically unprofitable.

The purpose of dynamometry is to evaluate upper body muscle strength to determine injury risk and study risk factors for this muscle group. It can also help in the development of individual training, in which the patient will receive adequate load, and not overstrain the muscles.

The measurement results show which muscles need additional training. In sports, the level of muscle strength will help identify athletic individuals with limited physical capabilities due to genetic reasons, age, or injury. Dynamometer testing is usually carried out in a gym or laboratory. Before the procedure, the person being measured is given instructions on how to perform exercises to maximize strength levels. This can lead to an increase in adrenaline levels, which in turn triggers improvements in muscle blood flow and performance. In addition, this measure is used in sports medicine to develop individual training programs.

Dynamometry is a method of assessing the strength of muscle strength and muscle tone by measuring them using special devices. This method allows you to assess the functional state of the musculoskeletal system and makes it possible to identify limitations in physical activity associated with pathological changes in the body.

Dynamometers are designed to determine muscle strength when performing various types of exercises. They are devices consisting of a handle, a body and a device for securing the body. The dynamometer handle consists of two parts - main and additional. The main part contains the braking mechanism and the strength indicator scale. The additional part is designed to maintain the balance of the subject during force measurement. Body fastening device