Diseases of the Lacrimal Apparatus of the Eye

The lacrimal apparatus in humans not only performs the function of expressing emotions, but also produces a special liquid that naturally moistens and cleanses the eyes. By the way, it’s the same with animals, but they are not able to shed tears for any reason, although similar cases have occurred. However, only people shed tears of joy and grief, can shed tears under the impression of a touching melodrama and even cause tears with the power of thought.

The lacrimal system of the eye, accustomed to such a palette of emotions, consists of the lacrimal gland, excretory ducts and lacrimal ducts. Diseases of the lacrimal system of the eyes include diseases that affect only one or all of its components. These include:

  1. dacryoadenitis - inflammation of the lacrimal gland;
  2. epiphora - copious discharge of tear fluid from the eyes;
  3. stenosis (narrowing) or inflammation of the tear ducts.


Diseases of the lacrimal gland are either congenital, caused by improper development of the lacrimal apparatus, or acquired, as a result of certain inflammatory diseases (influenza, scarlet fever, mumps...), or tumors and injuries.

Also, diseases of the lacrimal apparatus of the eyes can be the result of damage to the nerves, a consequence of infectious diseases, tumors, inflammation of the eyes (conjunctivitis, etc.), and nose.

Another common cause of diseases of the lacrimal apparatus of the eyes is the entry of foreign bodies into it (worms, debris, eyelashes...). There is also congenital underdevelopment of the lacrimal canals, and this can also cause the disease.

If a newborn baby has a swollen upper eyelid almost from birth, constant lacrimation, or no tears at all, most likely you are dealing with congenital problems in the lacrimal system.

Acute inflammation of the lacrimal gland is most often observed in children and young people. Inflammation of the lacrimal glands can be either unilateral or bilateral, sometimes it affects the salivary glands. It can be identified by swelling and pain in the outer part of the upper eyelid. If the swelling is severe, it is difficult to open the eye, the eyeball becomes displaced and may be difficult to move.

Symptoms such as headache, sleep and appetite disturbances, and fever are also possible.

Diseases of the lacrimal ducts can be identified by constant lacrimation, which intensifies in the wind and cold. In this case, the skin around the edges of the eyelids turns red.

Diagnosis of diseases of the lacrimal apparatus of the eyes.

The final diagnosis is made only by an ophthalmologist - based on examination and conversation with the patient. And to accurately determine the location of the lesion of the lacrimal apparatus, a coloring liquid is injected into the lacrimal canal with a small syringe and, by the nature of its secretion, it is determined whether there is damage to the lacrimal organs.

An X-ray examination to detect tumors and injuries is also possible.

Diseases of the lacrimal apparatus of the eyes must be treated promptly and correctly, otherwise the accumulation of tears can lead to suppuration and the spread of infection to the eye and even the brain.

Treatment includes physiotherapeutic procedures (UHF), ointments and drops externally, plus treatment of the underlying disease that provoked the inflammation.

Treatment of diseases of the lacrimal drainage apparatus: elimination of the cause, restorative treatment, surgery and artificial expansion of the tear ducts are also possible.