Disorientation Autopsychic

Autopsychotic disorientation is a condition in which a person loses orientation in his own personality and cannot recognize himself and his thought processes. This phenomenon can occur in people with various diseases, such as mental disorders or brain disorders.

Disoriented autopsychics cannot tell their age or year of birth, they are also unable to answer questions concerning them

**Autopsychological disorientation**

The inability to pronounce one's own name or the incorrect naming of basic biographical information addressed to oneself is a symptom of a psychological disorder in the individual; it usually occurs as an abnormal reaction to illness, anesthesia, severe traumatic stress or severe chronic mental trauma. This condition begins acutely and lasts for several hours, days or even weeks. The phenomenon may be hereditarily determined (autism spectrum disorder) - in such cases the problem is precisely provoked by severe mental trauma. The pathology is considered less severe than ordinary neurotic derealization associated with a disorder of images and ideas; accompanying symptoms are visual hallucinations and auditory illusions. In severe conditions, patients tend to exhibit suicidal tendencies and may stop sleeping and eating. Somatic disorders that can provoke auto disorientation