Nail dystrophy Canal-shaped Median

Nail dystrophy Channel Medium (DMC) is a rare disease that manifests itself in the form of deformation of the nail plate and its thickening. It occurs due to disruption of the nail growth process and can be caused by various factors such as genetic changes, injury, infection or disease.

With DMC, the nail begins to grow abnormally, causing it to become deformed. The nail may become bent, bent, or even split in two. In addition, the nail may begin to thicken and lose its shape.

Moderate nail dystrophy can be caused by a variety of reasons, including heredity, nail trauma, skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema, and certain medications. If you notice that your nail has begun to become deformed, see your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Treatment for DMC usually involves correcting the nail deformity and removing any infections or other problems that may be causing the condition. In some cases, surgery may be required to correct nail deformities.

It is important to note that medium canal nail dystrophy is a rare disease, but it can be successfully treated if you consult a doctor in a timely manner. If you have any questions or concerns about your nails, don't hesitate to contact a professional.

Median canal-shaped nail dystrophy: causes, symptoms and treatment

Median canal-shaped nail dystrophy (dystrophia unguium canaliformis media) is a rare disease of the nail plates, characterized by the formation of longitudinal canals in the central part of the nail. This condition can lead to significant deterioration in the appearance of the nails and cause discomfort in patients. In this article we will look at the causes, symptoms and possible treatments for medial canal-shaped nail dystrophy.

So far, the exact causes of the development of medial canal-shaped nail dystrophy have not been established. However, it is believed that genetic factors may play a role in the occurrence of this disease. Some studies suggest that mutations in certain genes associated with nail plate development may be associated with the appearance of medial canal nail dystrophy.

The main symptom of medial canal-shaped nail dystrophy is the appearance of longitudinal canals in the central part of the nail. These channels can be of different depths and penetrate deep into the nail plate. The canals can be single or multiple and can occupy a significant portion of the nail. With a prolonged course of the disease, nails can become brittle, brittle and change their shape.

Treatment of median canal nail dystrophy is aimed at improving the appearance of the nails and reducing discomfort in patients. Although a complete cure may be difficult, there are various methods that can help improve the condition of your nails.

One treatment method involves the use of special preparations applied to the surface of the nail. These medications can help strengthen the nail plate and improve its structure. In addition, it is recommended to avoid injury to the nails and use special care products to prevent further deterioration of the condition.

When conservative methods do not provide sufficient improvement, surgery may be required. In such cases, a nail plastic procedure can be performed to remove damaged areas of the nail and restore its normal structure.

It is important to note that each case of medial canal-shaped nail dystrophy is individual, and the approach to treatment must be individualized. Patients are advised to see a dermatologist or nail specialist for an accurate diagnosis and development of a personalized treatment plan.

In conclusion, medial canal nail dystrophy is a rare disease characterized by the formation of longitudinal canals in the central part of the nail plate. Although the exact causes of this disease are not yet known, genetic factors may play a role in its development. Treatment includes the use of special medications, nail care and, in some cases, surgery. It is important to contact a specialist to receive professional help and develop an optimal treatment plan that takes into account the individual characteristics of each patient.