Divergence of the Eyes Absolute

Definition Divergence of the Eyes Absolute (D.Absoluta) is an anatomical and physiological state of the refractive system of the eye, characterized by a large number of drops of lens fluid exceeding 6 microns (MP with more than 20 diopters), in which a light ray passing through the optical system of the eye (cornea, anterior chamber, lens), will not converge into a single focus (MF) on the retina. Prevention - vision control; - constant observation by an ophthalmologist; - quitting smoking and alcohol. Treatment If absolute Eye Divergence is detected, urgent treatment is necessary! When making a diagnosis, it is necessary to immediately take measures to eliminate the possibility of developing astigmatism by forming an additional refractive lens in the internal lens, which, if not treated in a timely manner, can lead to a decrease in visual acuity. The ophthalmologist decides on further treatment tactics and its timing. Treatment is aimed at restoring the transparency of the lens and normalizing the optical function of the eye. Patients with this visual anomaly are recommended to undergo annual monitoring and regular examinations (examination of the fundus, determination of visual acuity). In some cases, to correct or stabilize vision after a period of treatment and stabilize visual function, surgery may be performed to remove or correct the additional lens. No special recommendation is required for absolute Divergent Eye. However, it is important to avoid hazardous activities associated with the risk of damage to the eyes and visual apparatus (diving, sports, air sports, parachute jumping, driving, etc.).