
Dysarthria (Greek: dysarthría, dys - prefix against + archeo - I speak, pronounce) is a violation of the tempo, rhythm and/or pitch of speech, caused by a violation of the innervation of the muscles of the speech apparatus, due to organic lesions of the central nervous system and more peripheral systems of the body.

Title of the article: "Dysarthria - difficult words to pronounce?"

Dysarthria is a speech disorder that may involve difficulty pronouncing sounds, words, or phrases. With this pathology, inconsistency develops between the tongue and the larynx, which leads to the incorrect sound of words. Depending on the severity of dysarthria, it can cause significant difficulty communicating and understanding speech.

However, despite the complexity of this disorder, there are several methods that can help people with dysarthria improve their pronunciation. One such method is the use of speech therapy programs for computers, which help improve the coordination of movements of the tongue and larynx during speech. They include various exercises such as improving the pronunciation of sounds and words, learning to breathe correctly and relaxing the muscles of the tongue and throat.

When working with a speech therapist, you can learn the correct articulation of sounds, increase your vocabulary and improve logical thinking for more complete speech development. This will allow each of us to communicate freely and