
Doxibene: an effective antibiotic for treating various infections

Doxibene is an effective antibiotic that is often used to treat a variety of infections. The drug contains the active substance doxycycline, which belongs to the group of tetracycline antibiotics. Doxycycline is the international name of the drug, which can also be sold under various synonyms, including Apo-Doxy, Bassado, Vibramycin, Doxal, Doxibene M and others.

The manufacturer of Doxibene is Merkle GmbH, which is located in Austria. The drug is presented in the form of capsules containing 100 mg of doxycycline. Doxibene is effective in treating infections caused by various bacteria, including Haemophilus influenzae, chlamydia, mycoplasma, rickettsia, borrelia and others.

In addition, Doxibene is also used to treat diseases of the ENT and lower respiratory tract, urinary tract infections, infectious ulcerative keratitis and other infections. The drug can be used to prevent surgical infections after medical abortions and colon operations, as well as to prevent malaria during short-term travel to areas where Plasmodium resistance to chloroquine and/or pyrimethamine-sulfadoxine has been noted.

Despite the effectiveness of the drug, Doxibene has contraindications and side effects. You should not take the drug if you are hypersensitive to doxycycline, porphyria, severe liver failure, leukopenia, pregnancy (second half), breastfeeding (you should refrain from breastfeeding during the treatment period) and under 9 years of age (the period of dental development).

Side effects may include dizziness, sweating, vascular collapse, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, abdominalgia, diarrhea, constipation, dysphagia, glossitis, esophagitis, dysbacteriosis, fungal infections, reinfections with resistant strains, eosinophilia, neutropenia, photosensitivity, persistent discoloration of tooth enamel , allergic reactions (rash, skin itching, Quincke's edema).

You should also consider possible interactions of the drug with other drugs. For example, the absorption of doxycycline may decrease