Where does happy motherhood begin? Most likely, with proper preparation, which occurs well before pregnancy. But no matter how ready the future parents are for the birth of a child, pregnancy is a special state during which the woman’s psyche changes very significantly.
During the nine months of her interesting position, the expectant mother experiences both physiological and emotional evolution. She reacts more sensitively and sharply to events happening around her, and subtly feels her natural connection with nature. All the thoughts of the expectant mother are focused on her baby, which can be explained by the influence of a huge amount of hormones that bring the body into a state of readiness to bear and give birth to a baby, and also ensure the woman’s psychological mood. In medicine, this phenomenon is called dominant pregnancy.
Each trimester of pregnancy is characterized by its own dominant, that is, a number of different emotional states that dominate all other everyday experiences.
The first dominant of pregnancy can be called adaptation. The expectant mother finds out that a new little person is developing inside her, she is incredibly happy! I would like to tell the whole world about this good news... Although in a couple of weeks the joyful state may give way to some disappointment. After all, you need to deny yourself so many things! In addition to this endless toxicosis...
During the first dominant stage of pregnancy, a woman receives very difficult lessons that teach her to fight her selfishness. In fact, if you think about it, you need to make a lot of effort to overcome your various desires and constantly think about the fact that you no longer live only for yourself, but also for your baby.
The second dominant stage of pregnancy (the beginning of the second trimester) is probably the most pleasant. It is commonly called immersion. Hmm, really, how much pleasure this time brings! The toxicosis has ended, a small pregnant belly has appeared, which reminds you of the tiny tenant living inside... In addition, your romantic state and pregnant appearance makes everyone around you want to help and look after you.
The next dominant can be called the syndrome of change. At this time, the already noticeably rounded belly of the future mother reminds that a special place needs to be prepared for it. A pregnant woman really wants to take part in decorating her apartment and show off her suddenly heightened design talent.
The end of the second trimester of pregnancy is usually called the information dominant. At this time, the expectant mother usually begins to be overwhelmed by various questions about the proper development of the child and a successful birth. Of course, there will also be ubiquitous well-wishers who will not miss the opportunity to tell about various horror stories and stories that happened to their friends... It is possible that during this period you will sleep poorly, and you will also have disturbing dreams.
In the last trimester of pregnancy (prenatal dominant), it is possible that the expectant mother will feel a surge of tender feelings for her mother. At this stage, the pregnant woman passes through her consciousness the experience of the closest person, thereby moving from the status of woman-daughter to the status of woman-mother.
Here's what these same pregnancy dominants look like. Of course, each expectant mother has her own character and temperament, but, in principle, everything follows the same scenario. Be calm, tune in for the best, and, thanks to your correct psychological attitude, you will have a wonderful baby!
The dominant of pregnancy is a biological category that means a woman’s readiness to bear a child: expressed in the increased need of the embryo for nutrients that come from the mother’s body. This need is explained by the presence of special proteins in the food of pregnant women.
Since the woman and the fetus have different nutritional needs, the pregnant woman does not develop tropholaxia during pregnancy. With malnutrition (especially protein), various complications are possible: fetal growth retardation, delayed lung development, etc. In pregnant women with malnutrition, the hemoglobin pool is depleted more quickly, which contributes to hypoxia of the embryo and fetus (oxygen deficiency causes expansion of the intervillous space, increased blood flow in small vessels ).
Pregnancy dominance is an objective category only in humans. Dominant reflexes of this type are described in lower monkeys: their behavior is regulated by a reflex aimed at supporting pregnancy (false contractions). But such a reflex cannot develop without normal nutrition. In both monkeys and pregnant women, it decreases even under normal feeding conditions. I.P. Pavlov showed the inconsistency of the view of pregnancy as a “reflex state” (the experiences of his students). The “infanticide reflex” (“abortion syndrome”) and other reflexes have also been described (M. V. Krasheninnikov and A. F. Tur). Infanticide dominant is most common in mothers who aborted their children. It manifests itself in the fact that when pregnancy occurs, a negative attitude often arises towards this pregnancy. For example, the desire to have an abortion, obtain information about the health of the fetus, etc. (this was first mentioned by A. A. Bodalev 8. A classification of the dominant pregnancy has been developed according to A. M. Nikolaeva. It distinguishes between passive and active dominant pregnancy.
Active dominant pregnancy is based on the following features: strong feelings associated with pregnancy; pronounced attraction to a partner; idealization of his character traits; dissatisfaction with sexual life due to pregnancy and fear of it; increased sensitivity threshold on both sides; inhibition of the motivational sphere; positive attitude towards the social roles of mother and wife; special sexual behavior; decreased tolerance to pain of various origins; increased readiness to adapt. An important factor causing a pathological reaction of the reproductive system is malnutrition of the pregnant woman. Experiments have shown that if a pregnant woman is fed cream (proteins in the mixture are 3.4 g/l instead of 0.6 g/l)