Achievements of Israeli medicine in the treatment of spinal diseases.

Many people suffer from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, in particular the spine. Injuries, unfortunate falls, age-related changes, congenital pathologies - all this can be reflected in various diseases that affect the spine, leading, in turn, to serious complications. To avoid such an unfavorable development of events, you should closely monitor your health and seek medical help in a timely manner. For example, doctors from the Israeli clinic Top Ichilov have achieved great success in this area.

Spinal diseases: types, symptoms, diagnosis.

The patients of the orthopedic department most often are people who have encountered diseases such as intervertebral hernia, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, scoliosis, malignant tumors, consequences of injuries and others.

Each disease manifests itself differently. For example, symptoms of cancer include severe pain, muscle weakness, limited mobility, and decreased sensitivity. Osteochondrosis is also manifested by pain, which can occur not only in the spine, but also in the abdomen, limbs, and heart area. Then the patient begins to feel dizzy, movement disturbances appear, and arms and legs go numb. With scoliosis, curvature of the spine, asymmetry of the body, poor posture are observed, and various organs are affected. Osteochondrosis and scoliosis, as well as injuries, can cause intervertebral hernia, which leads to severe pain, difficulty moving and even stroke.

The treatment methods offered by specialists depend on the type of disease, its nature, stage and characteristics of the patient’s general condition. However, this is impossible without preliminary diagnosis, which must be as accurate and informative as possible. As soon as a patient with suspected spinal problems enters the Top Ichilov clinic, he is immediately offered the following diagnostic methods: examination by a doctor, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, radiography, spondylography, ultrasound, laboratory tests and others. Numerous reviews of spine treatment in Israel prove, without exaggeration, the possibility of a healthy and happy life without pain.

After diagnosis, an individual treatment program is developed for each patient. The prescribed therapy always pursues several goals, the main of which are relief from pain, prevention of structural changes in the spine and restoration of the functions of the affected organs. The main treatment methods include:

  1. Drug therapy. This method often accompanies more effective techniques and allows the patient to be relieved of severe pain and associated symptoms. Most often we are talking about prescribing anti-inflammatory drugs, chondroprotectors, painkillers and other drugs.
  2. Physiotherapy, physical therapy, massage. Using these simple but proven methods, you can strengthen your back muscles and eliminate some spinal defects. In addition, every patient can take advantage of the country’s natural resources and supplement treatment with balneological procedures at the Dead Sea.
  3. Surgical intervention. The operation is indicated for oncology (in this case, additional chemotherapy or radiation therapy may be prescribed), back injuries, intervertebral hernia and other conditions. Since the slightest mistake during an intervention can threaten a significant deterioration of the patient’s condition and even complete immobilization, the operation is performed only by the best specialists with extensive experience. Recently, minimally invasive interventions have gained popularity, allowing surgery to be performed with the least damage to healthy tissue.

    For example, for compression fractures, osteoporosis and other diseases, vertebroplasty is indicated - the injection of bone cement into the vertebral body with a needle. Laminctomy (expansion of the spinal canal in case of narrowing and compression of the nerve), microdiscectomy (removal of the intervertebral disc), traction of the intervertebral disc and other interventions may be indicated. At the Top Ichilov Clinic, a special robotic surgeon is used to perform orthopedic operations, which allows for the highest precision of manipulations.

The professionalism and attentiveness of doctors, the accuracy of diagnosis, the use of innovative methods, including modern minimally invasive operations - all this can be obtained by contacting the Top Ichilov clinic, whose specialists are always happy to welcome their patients.

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