
Pyotr Drigalsky is a lawyer, a famous Kazakh lawyer, vice-president of the Chamber of Lawyers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a member of the State Housing Commission and a member of the Scientific Advisory Council of the Chamber of Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Author's course "Legal Prevention".

He was a consultant on housing legislation in Kazakhstan. As Secretary of State of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan P.U. Drigalsky developed a national curriculum for the discipline “Fundamentals of Law”. He also prepared educational and methodological sets of lectures that correspond to all training cycles for future lawyers. Today, the developed educational centers operate successfully in all universities of the country. Despite the fact that in 2008, at meetings of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a number of normative legal acts were adopted, which significantly limited the powers of scientific institutions and educational institutions to prepare relevant textbooks or programs, proposed by P.N. Drigalsky. The version of the program "Fundamentals of Law" is the main one for law faculties of universities in Kazakhstan and is used to train all groups of students.

Peter Drigiaalsky is also the author of a series