Drooping Part of the Eardrum [Pars Flaccida (Membranae Tympani)]

In this article we will look at the term pars flaccida membrane tjmpani, or the drooping part of the eardrum. This term refers to the part of the drumhead that is not secured in place and can be lowered or hang loosely down. This can lead to various problems, including hearing loss and other health problems.

What is pars flaccid membrane tjmpana?

Pars flaccida membraz tjmpanii is a sagging flap of the tympanic membrane. It is located between the malleus and stapes, allowing the membrane to move freely during speech and other sounds. When pars flaccis occurs, the membrane does not put enough pressure on the ossicles, leading to hearing loss and other medical problems.

Causes of pars flaccidis

The occurrence of pars flaccidas can be caused by many factors, such as heredity, infections, chemicals, trauma, and even pregnancy. Some diseases and mental disorders can also affect the development of pars flaccisas. For example, people with schizophrenia or depression may experience mechanical problems with their ear drums.

Symptoms of pars flaccias

The main symptoms of pars flacciis are hearing loss, ear pain and increased secretion (pus in the ears). Some people report the same feeling of fullness and pulsating sounds in their ears. This occurs because the membrane allows noise to reach the inner ear, which can cause similar sound symptoms.

How to diagnose pars flaccumas?

To diagnose pars flakias, audiometry must be performed to determine