Jitter Position

**Position jitter** is a partial fluctuation in the production parameters of a technological process, resulting from a random change in one of its characteristics.

Like all random processes, they are characterized by the absence of a strict algorithm. Quantitative assessment of their position is carried out using statistical regulation methods.

The study of position jitter makes it possible to determine confidence zones, the influence of local disturbances, and the operation of the dispenser and dosing devices in the loading lines of bulk materials. The study of physicochemical equilibrium makes it possible to successfully regulate numerous undesirable processes.

In simple terms, positional jitter is when something fluctuates around a certain point of stability, and this can be dangerous to the process or product. For example, in a manufacturing process, positional jitter can lead to poor quality products or equipment damage. In the medical process, shaking can cause problems in patient treatment. In general, positional vibrations can lead to various negative consequences.

In conclusion, positional jitter is an important topic in control theory and quality analysis of processes and materials. Studying this phenomenon can significantly improve processes, reduce their disturbance and improve the quality of the final product.