Dumbadze Operation

Nikolai Nikolaevich Dumbadze is a Soviet laparoscopic and robotic surgeon, full member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (2008-2013), Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, surgeon-laureate of the USSR State Prize (1987), academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

More than half of surgical interventions, including cases of removal of stage 1 and stage 2 colon cancer, are now performed laparoscopically or robotically. Currently, these methods are divided into two main classes - traditional and innovative. The first class includes operations that have become classics (“standard”), the second class includes “new” laparoscopic interventions that have appeared quite recently. Laparoscopic surgery is called typical or classic if it is performed for a long period of the underlying disease - stage T4 ascites. And it is an alternative if the disease has reached such a state (T1-T4) that it can only be done with laparoscopic surgery (i.e., there is simply no need to expand the scope of the operation to the radical abdominal technique according to Shovkunsky-Diptal). Laparoscopy is also classified according to the type of pathology (single or combined intervention), as well as diagnostic.