Air Shower

An air shower is an innovative type of local supply ventilation. It creates a flow of air at a given speed and temperature, which is directed towards the person to reduce the thermal load. This type of ventilation is an effective way to combat overheating in the workplace and helps improve comfort and productivity.

An air shower works by supplying air through special nozzles that create a shower effect. The air passes through a filter system to remove dust and other contaminants and is then blown onto the person. Flow speed and temperature can be adjusted depending on the needs of each work station.

The use of air showers in the workplace can reduce the thermal load on the human body and improve its productivity. In addition, the use of this type of ventilation can reduce air conditioning costs and reduce energy consumption.

However, for the air shower to work effectively, it is necessary to correctly install and configure the system. It is important to choose the correct location to install the nozzles to ensure even air distribution. It is also necessary to ensure that the system works well and does not cause discomfort to workers.

Overall, air showers are an effective way to combat overheating and improve comfort in the workplace. It can be used both in office spaces and in production, where high concentration and productivity are required.

Shower cabins are a great solution for a small space in your home. They allow you to combine the functionality of a shower and compactness, while they can be installed and configured the way you want. In this article we will look at several of the most popular types of shower cabins.

Shower with fan

This model is the most common form of stall and is perfect for installation in a small bathroom. It does not take up much space and allows you to adjust the temperature, pressure and speed of water flow, as well as adjust the air direction. Showers with fans can also