
Twins are sets of twins that develop from two zygotes. This occurs when a mature egg and sperm come together to create a new life. Twins can be identical twins or multiple-egg twins. In this article we will look at cases of twins, where two fertilized eggs develop into two full-fledged zygotes at the same time.

Simultaneous oslomotion of two fertile cells can occur for a variety of reasons, including reproductive technologies such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), or artificial insemination. Such cases also arise spontaneously. Most cases of dizygotic ditsey occur in women of childbearing age - up to 35-40 years, but recently cases have been diagnosed at a later age.

Dizyzu twins are less common than identical twins. The incidence of dysiz can reach 1-2 cases per 50-100 pregnancies. A woman's ability to have the likelihood of developing this type of disorder for each pregnancy may predispose

Twins is a term that refers to the situation where one parent has two children at once. This can occur due to twin births or multiple pregnancies. But what are “fraternal twins”? This is a special type of twinning where two eggs develop in the womb at the same time, rather than at the same time.