
These are insects, similar to scorpions, their body is similar in color to anjudan, their tails are sharp and their poison is also sharp. They abound in Khuzistan, especially in Askar Mukram, and in the thickets of Anjudan.

When a jarrara stings, it is not noticed immediately, but the next day or after, then lightheadedness occurs, the complexion changes, and sometimes jaundice occurs. The tongue swells, the bitten area ulcerates, the patient urinates blood, the nature is often blocked, and the bite sometimes leads to death, and the matter begins with interruptions and fainting. You should not neglect the bite of a jarrara because of the insignificant pain, because its poison is not good.

After general treatment, the best remedy is cauterization of the bitten area. Drinking medicines include bitter lettuce juice, dandelion juice, barley water and all heat-quenching medicines, especially if the heat intensifies. The best proven remedy is apple juice with cold water; some claim that Dubrovnik polyum root, if drunk with water, is beneficial. Elecampane is said to be an excellent cure for this, and Askari teryak is also excellent.

Copy. Take caper root, gentian, Rumian wormwood and round aristolochia - one part each and dry dandelion and grind one dose of this - two dirhams.

Another teryak is against this. Take equal parts of dry dandelion, apple leaves with sour apples and coriander and take three pinches of this powder.

If strong burning occurs from the poison, then it is calmed down with juice and cooling squeezed fruit juices, and if interruptions occur, wine from Syrian apples, apple oatmeal and sour raib with camphor cakes help. In case of severe faintness, they give fruit juices with cooled rose oil, if the nature is blocked, they give an enema, and if the patient urinates blood, they bleed him and apply treatment for bloody urine. If the tongue swells, then they bleed from the sublingual vessel and force them to gargle with chicory juice with sikanjubin, and if corrosion begins at the site of the bite, then they treat with a sharp medicine and lubricate the nearby areas with Armenian clay and vinegar, and also treat for malignant ulcers.