
Eclabium is an eversion of the lip. This is a congenital anomaly in which the lower or upper lip curls outward. The eclabium can be unilateral or bilateral. The cause of eclabium is disturbances in the development of the lips in the prenatal period.

Lip eversion can lead to functional and cosmetic problems. A child with eclabium may have difficulty sucking and swallowing, and saliva may leak from the mouth. In addition, lip eversion spoils the appearance and can lead to psychological problems.

To treat eclabium, surgical correction is used - cheiloplasty. The operation is usually performed between 3 and 6 months of age. After cheiloplasty, in most cases it is possible to correct anatomical defects and restore normal lip function.

In surgical practice, the names of such deformities do not always correspond to its essence. Often the same defect can be designated by various terminological formulations: “hypoplasia of the upper lip”, “pseudomedial deformation of the lip”, “Lorenz-Marfano anomaly”, etc. The term “Eclabium” (from the Latin eclabum - cheek) was introduced by A. P. Christen in 2017 In this case, we were talking about a unilateral displacement of the middle third of the lip (posterior and lateral), combined with a defect in its central part. As studies have shown, when examining the median fold of the upper jaw, it is quite difficult to determine the symmetry of this lip dislocation, since it

Every day we see our reflection in the mirror and get used to it. Our usual lip shape is the state to which we are accustomed and which seems ideal to us.

But what if your reality is far from ideal? In the modern world, the importance of lip beauty for a girl’s attractiveness is undeniable. But why should lip beauty be so important? This aesthetic is supported by the marketing of cosmetic products as well as modern culture. To appear beautiful, girls often resort to cosmetic procedures - lip augmentation, permanent pigmentation, plastic surgery or threading. These procedures result in extensive tissue damage such as micro-incisions, sutures, and lip contour disturbances. Some treatments can also be harmful to your health, so it's important to consider alternatives to maintain your beauty in the long run. Introducing Eclabius! Eclabius is a new generation of overgrown, untested artificial lips filled with silicone foam instead of tablets. The ideal solution for those who are not satisfied with their lip shape, color or texture. This is an elegant alternative to extensive silicone injections, hyaluronic acid injections and lip surgery.

If you are interested, I can continue this story. Moreover, I will study the process of creating Eclabia, its benefits and side effects, and will also tell you about the difference between this product and analogues on the market.