Eczema Keratotic

"Eczema keratotic"

What are eczema and keratosis?

_Eczema_ is a skin disease characterized by recurrent monomorphic rashes, under the influence of external and internal factors that cause chronic inflammation of the skin. Eczema can affect any part of the body. In sick children, early and severe forms of eczema occur with significant itching. _Keratosis_ is a benign neoplasm that occurs as a result of excessive growth of the stratum corneum of epidermal cells. It is a consequence of a deep disruption of the normal physiological process of keratinization. Exudative and lymphoreiculitic processes are absent. Deep in the skin there are numerous accumulations of basal spinous hyperkeratotic cells (sometimes with hypergranulation) that are most closely adjacent to the stratum corneum. Outwardly, it looks like a callus. And against the background of the acute stage of the disease, it can be mistaken for it. Dead