Edema, Swelling, Swelling (Tumescence)

Edema, puffiness, or swelling is swelling caused by the accumulation of fluid in body tissues. This may be the result of various physiological or pathological processes.

Some causes of swelling:

  1. Damage to cells and capillaries, which leads to leakage of fluid into the intercellular space. Usually occurs with injuries, burns, infections.

  2. Impaired lymphatic drainage due to diseases of the lymphatic system or removal of lymph nodes.

  3. Fluid retention due to cardiac, renal or liver failure.

  4. Allergic reactions with the release of histamine and increased vascular permeability.

  5. Endocrine disorders, for example, with hypothyroidism.

  6. Taking certain medications.

Edema can be localized or generalized. They are manifested by swelling and tension of the skin, pain. Diagnosis of the causes of edema is necessary for adequate treatment. The main methods are elimination of the root cause, drainage, compression, and drug therapy.

Typically, edema or swelling is associated with excess accumulation of fluid or gases in the tissues of the body.

Most swelling occurs without a clear visible cause or injury, and usually resolves fairly quickly, in a few days to a few weeks.

Although swelling may be mild for some, some can be dangerous.


The scientific name for this process is “Edema”. It can be caused by various factors, such as an allergic reaction, inflammation, or excess blood flow to the tissues. In this case, swelling is a protective reaction of the body and helps remove harmful substances or infectious agents from the tissues. However, too much swelling, or tumescence, can lead to serious complications such as circulatory disorders, respiratory failure and other diseases.

I do not welcome a question explaining the nature of edema, since all knowledge about it helps prevent the consequences of tumescence. The main task of all doctors is to prevent the first signs from occurring, start treatment at an early stage and ensure that the patient does not exceed the limit of his physical capabilities. First of all, swelling makes it clear that it is time to go to the hospital. Firstly, when standing or moving on your feet, it seems as if your lower back is sinking and there is no way to straighten up. More than 75% of the population encounters a similar condition at any age. The fact that tumescent is difficult to treat has been known for a long time. Over time, it can become chronic, which can lead to the formation of hernias and even tumors. Therefore, the most important thing is to prevent the development of the disease and be able to quickly respond to the first signs of complications.

There are many tips that you can follow to prevent the development of the acute form. But they all have one thing in common - limit the consumption of spicy, salty and fatty foods. If swelling of the lower part of the face appears, problems should be looked for immediately. This condition can cause complications