Effective mask against blackheads reviews

Blackheads are open comedones that form when the pores are completely clogged with “sebum”, dead cells, remnants of decorative cosmetics, fragments of dust or dirt. This problem is most often encountered by those who have combination or oily skin with particularly problem areas in the forehead, nose and chin.

To eliminate blackheads, you need to be patient and choose effective skincare products. Film masks have proven themselves well in this regard. They come in different colors, textures and smells. It depends on the brand that produces this product. Our experts conducted a study and compiled a rating of the best Asian and European film masks for blackheads.

Rating of the best film masks for blackheads

Nomination place Name of product price
The best Asian film masks for blackheads 1 Shiseido Waso Purifying Peel Off Mask 2 755 ₽
2 Secret Key Black Out Pore Peel-Off Pack 990 ₽
3 The Saem See & Saw Sebum Clear Pack 790 ₽
4 Himalaya Herbals Neem Mask 138 ₽
The best European film masks for blackheads 1 Ninelle So Pure Skin 259 ₽
2 Garnier Skin Naturals 442 ₽
3 Vitex Black Clean 98 ₽
4 Vitex F-control 89 ₽
5 Nivea Visage Refining Peel Off Mask 108 ₽

The best Asian film masks for blackheads

Korean, Japanese and Indian film masks perfectly free pores from all kinds of impurities and keratinizing epithelium. Along with this, they smooth and tighten the skin, have an antioxidant effect, and slow down geriatric processes.

First place in the ranking of the best is occupied by the Waso Purifying Peel Off Mask facial film mask from the Japanese TM Shiseido. It contains red perilla extract, which cleanses and regenerates the skin. It also contains fragments of loqua leaf with a pronounced antioxidant effect. It contains no mineral oils.

The Waso film mask is suitable for owners of any skin type who need deep cleansing. This product has a paste-like texture that forms a film that adheres tightly. The film mask cleanses the skin, making it smooth. Pores are freed from impurities that can cause breakouts. After using this product, the skin becomes fresh and radiant.

In the reviews, girls note that the film mask is easy to apply and can be easily washed off the brush. The bottle with the product is pink, and the snap-on lid has a convenient loop by which it can be hung. The mask itself is a burgundy-raspberry color with shimmer. After a month of systematic use, the skin on the face becomes noticeably cleaner, blackheads thin out and turn pale.


  1. presentable bottle with practical details;
  2. beautiful color of the mask;
  3. deeply cleanses;
  4. tightens enlarged pores;
  5. significantly reduces the number of blackheads;
  6. gives the skin a matte appearance.


  1. After removal there is a slight feeling of dryness.

The second place in the ranking goes to the Korean film mask Black Out Pore Peel-Off Pack from the popular brand Secret Key. It contains: charcoal powder, extracts of black soybean, sesame, garlic, rice, kaolin (white clay). The substance with the consistency of a black gel hardens, turning into a film, which is then easily removed.

The product comes in a convenient tube with a snap-on cap. The film mask is applied in an even thin layer. When it comes into contact with the skin, it quickly sticks to it and does not run off. It dries completely in 20 minutes. The entire mask is removed. You need to start doing this from the chin area.

Reviews about this product are mostly positive. The film mask deserves to be in the ranking of the best, because it effectively cleanses the pores, as if sticking all the dirt to itself. After use, the skin becomes smooth and velvety. Blackheads are not noticeable, and the pores appear narrowed. Moreover, this product does not cause an allergic reaction or irritation.


  1. deeply cleanses;
  2. copes with blackheads;
  3. tightens enlarged pores;
  4. removes dead skin particles;
  5. refreshes and tones.


  1. It’s unpleasant to tear it off your face.

Third place in the rating goes to the See & Saw Sebum Clear Pack film mask from the South Korean brand The Saem. The product contains green tea extract and aloe vera, which have antioxidant and antibacterial properties. The film mask eliminates inflammation, itching, and effectively fights dark spots and various types of rashes on the face.

The film mask has a gel, moderately thick consistency. It has a rather pleasant herbal aroma (the alcohol does not hit the nose). Distributes easily over the skin without running. When the product comes into contact with the skin, a pleasant cooling sensation occurs. When the film mask begins to dry out, there is no feeling of tightness and dryness.

Reviews about this product are mostly positive. It is deservedly in the ranking of the best, since it perfectly cleanses the skin of impurities, blackheads, and excessive amounts of sebum. The film mask normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. In addition, it does not cause discomfort during cosmetic procedures.


  1. deeply cleanses;
  2. effectively removes blackheads;
  3. soothes inflamed skin;
  4. mattifying effect;
  5. pleasant herbal aroma;
  6. economically used.


  1. the soft tube quickly deforms during use.

The Indian Himalaya Herbals Neem Mask film mask goes to fourth place in the ranking. Its key component is neem, which relieves inflammation well and has an antibacterial effect. This product also contains clay and turmeric, so it effectively eliminates all sorts of causes that provoke the appearance of imperfections on the skin.

The mask is greenish gel with a specific smell. It is evenly distributed over cleansed facial skin. But this product is contraindicated for use on the area around the eyes. Leave to dry for 15-20 minutes. Carefully remove the film, starting from the edge of the face. It is a real find for those with problem skin prone to acne.

In reviews, consumers note that the film mask perfectly normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, deeply cleanses the skin, lightens acne spots, making the face clean and fresh. Although the Himalaya Herbals Neem film mask is primarily intended for oily and combination skin, it behaves quite adequately on dry and problematic skin.


  1. contains neem and turmeric;
  2. does not sting, the skin underneath does not turn red;
  3. perfectly opens pores;
  4. cleanses well and removes flaking.


  1. Strong smell.

The best European film masks for blackheads

European manufacturers are also not lagging behind and offer their own range of film masks, which, despite their effectiveness, have a more attractive price.

The first place in the ranking is occupied by the Spanish film mask for deep cleansing So Pure Skin from the Ninelle brand. It copes well with the task of cleansing pores of various types of impurities. So Pure Skin also relieves inflammation and regenerates damaged skin, thanks to the tea tree oil and panthenol present in the composition.

The consistency of the film mask is thick and gel-like. Its color is bluish. The smell is pleasant mint, not very pronounced. When applying a not too thick layer, the product dries in 15-20 minutes. It is recommended to do cosmetic procedures with this film mask no more than 1-2 times a week.

In reviews, women note that So Pure Skin provides very good cleansing. At the same time, she does this very delicately. Open comedones become less noticeable, pores are perfectly tightened. In addition, the film mask regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands. After using it for the next few days, the skin is matte and does not shine until the evening.


  1. acts delicately, but copes with the assigned tasks;
  2. pleasant aroma;
  3. does not cause irritation or allergic reaction.


  1. There are many chemical components in the composition.


Second place in the rating goes to the French film mask for combating blackheads Clean Skin Active with charcoal from TM Garnier. The product contains charcoal and salicylic acid, so it effectively eliminates open comedones that appear due to sebum plugs or residual impurities.

The manufacturer promises that after the first use of the mask, girls will not count up to 15 blackheads. The consistency of this mask resembles a soufflé. Color - rich black. It spreads very well over the face. It takes quite a long time to dry - up to 30 minutes. The film mask is removed well, in one layer, without tearing.

Judging by the reviews, this product is deservedly in the ranking of the best, since it helps to achieve much of what the manufacturer promises. Although the film mask does not completely eliminate open comedones, it noticeably reduces their number. In addition, this product perfectly tightens pores, removes fine hairs, and dries out pimples. After its use there are no signs of allergies or irritation.


  1. non-flowing consistency;
  2. completely removed;
  3. moderately combats blackheads;
  4. eliminates peeling;
  5. narrows pores;
  6. mattifies the face.


  1. takes a long time to dry;
  2. painful to remove.


The third position in the ranking is occupied by the black film-mask Black Clean, produced by the Belarusian brand Vitex. The balanced composition ensures narrowing of pores. And the film formed on the skin collects all the blackheads. The film mask collects and removes all impurities and excess sebum.

After cosmetic procedures with this product, the skin noticeably brightens, open comedones no longer spoil the appearance. The film mask does not dry out the skin, despite the presence of alcohol in the composition, which is noticeable in the smell. The consistency of the product is thick and dense.

Girls in the reviews note that the film mask is very effective. It is easily removed and at the same time collects blackheads, other impurities, peeling, and fine hairs. On inflamed areas, the skin color becomes natural. The next day after the procedure, it perfectly mattifies the skin, but does not make it excessively dry.


  1. collects all possible contaminants;
  2. pulls out blackheads deep from pores;
  3. enlarged pores narrows;
  4. does not provoke redness or irritation;
  5. can be removed entirely, like a stocking.


  1. strong smell of alcohol.

Another Belarusian film mask from the Vitex brand from the F-control series goes to fourth place in the ranking. It effectively fights open comedones, enlarged pores, and pimples. The product is suitable for problematic skin prone to rashes and comedones. With the help of this film mask, it is possible to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and prevent the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

The product is a sticky gel with a pale blue color. It is easy to apply and can be removed without problems after drying. After the procedure, the pores look clean, no trace of comedones remains, and minor redness disappears. The film mask effectively tightens pores, removes excess sebum, and makes the skin smoother.

Many girls with problem skin praise this product in their reviews. The F-control film mask is deservedly among the best because it is easy to apply, dries in an even layer, and is easily removed without causing any discomfort. In terms of fighting blackheads, it is slightly inferior to Black Clean, but it effectively fights inflammation on the face and protects against the appearance of new rashes.


  1. cleanses pores well;
  2. there are fewer blackheads;
  3. lightens acne spots;
  4. soothes the skin well;
  5. prevents new rashes;
  6. eliminates oily shine.


  1. Strong smell.

The Visage Refining Peel Off Mask cleansing film mask from the German brand Nivea took fifth place in the ranking. It gently cleanses from various impurities. During its use, a pleasant cooling effect is created. The mask has a gel consistency. Color: dark blue. It's easy to spread over your face and dries quickly.

After removal, it draws out all kinds of impurities that were in the pores. After cosmetic procedures, the skin looks clean, smooth and fresh. It also mattifies well, smoothes out fine wrinkles, tightens pores, and makes the complexion more even. One package is enough for 2 procedures.

According to reviews, this film mask dries quickly, is easily removed and effectively draws out all impurities from the pores, lightens dark spots, and eliminates flaking. The product does not cause an allergic reaction and is pleasant to use. In terms of strength, it is slightly inferior to charcoal film masks, but still deserves attention.


Black spots on the skin are a serious surprise and spoil the appearance of not only women, but also men. The occurrence of such defects is associated with the production of sebum, which clogs the pores. Black plugs appear on the surface of the forehead, nose and chin. Most often, those with oily skin suffer from them. To get rid of them, you need to pull out all the impurities from the pores. What are the best masks for blackheads? The article will talk about means to combat these skin defects, the features of their use and benefits.

Factors that cause blackheads to appear

All reasons can be divided into several groups:

  1. Exogenous. They are associated with the external influence of the human environment.
  2. Endogenous. They lie in the state of the body.

In other words, there are internal and external causes of blackheads on the face. They affect the production of sebum and lead to its increase.

One of the most important exogenous factors is improper skin care. This may be caused by a complete lack of cosmetic procedures aimed at cleansing the epidermis. This leads to blackheads on the forehead, nose and chin. The T-zone is where most of the sebaceous glands are located. Therefore, washing should be done using mousse, foam or gel.

It is desirable that the products contain components that have antibacterial properties. This is tea tree, salicylic acid, etc. The procedure is carried out in the morning and evening.

The appearance of blackheads can be caused by the use of incorrect skin care cosmetics, such as creams, lotions or tonics. A cosmetologist will help you choose a line after determining your skin type. He will also be able to recommend a good mask for acne and blackheads.


Be sure to take into account age restrictions, otherwise it may cause comedones.

Powder and heavy, oily foundations can clog pores, which prevents the skin from breathing and metabolic processes. And if you do not free your face from these products at night, then the appearance of blackheads is guaranteed.

The influence of ultraviolet radiation can have both positive and negative effects. Staying in the sun can get rid of bacteria and inflammatory processes. And prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation leads to drying of the skin.

Internal causes of comedones

External factors can only aggravate the situation, but the main problem lies in the health of internal organs and systems.

The condition of the skin is affected by endogenous causes:

  1. Genetic predisposition.
  2. Unstable state of the nervous system.
  3. Chronic and acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and intestines.
  4. Constant intake of alcoholic beverages.
  5. Unbalanced diet.
  6. Hormonal changes in the body.
  7. Deficiency of vitamins and minerals.
  8. Decreased body resistance.

People with oily or combination skin suffer most from blackheads.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and poor nutrition have a negative impact on the occurrence of acne and comedones. Nutrients are poorly delivered to the dermis, which leads to changes in the composition of sebum.

To prevent the appearance of comedones, comprehensive treatment is necessary, among which the best masks for blackheads are of particular benefit.

How to get rid of comedones?

To eliminate blackheads on the face, you can use two methods. The first is to squeeze out comedones, which occurs after preliminary steaming of the skin. The second method is more gentle, and it involves using the best face masks for blackheads.


This method is more gentle because the integrity of the skin is not compromised and the risk of developing inflammatory processes is completely eliminated. In addition, it will not be possible to squeeze out all comedones, especially small ones. And the procedure itself is not pleasant.

Types of masks

Before choosing the best mask for blackheads, you need to understand the types of anti-comedogenic agents. It must be borne in mind that they can have both natural and inorganic composition. Do not be afraid of masks that do not contain natural ingredients. They include acids and alcohols used in pharmacology. Any good mask for blackheads can be produced in the following forms:

  1. Cream. The main feature of such products is their moisturizing effect. This is especially important if comedones appear in the owner of dry skin. At the same time, the entire time the mask is on the face, there is no feeling of tightness. The mixture does not dry out, but is absorbed into problem areas. The product contains scrubbing particles. Thanks to them, when washed off, the pores are cleansed. A representative of these products is the No problem anti-comedogenic mask from Markell.
  2. Fabric. Such masks are most often used to ensure deep cleaning of pores. The package includes a fabric sheet with slits for the eyes and lips, which is soaked in a special gel. Examples of such masks include Sally’s Box Love recipe Mask with kiwi extract. It has an exfoliating effect, so it is ideal for opening pores or comprehensive cleansing of the skin.
  3. What are the best film masks for blackheads? The product is a gel that, when applied to the skin, turns into a film. It is important to buy a truly high-quality mask. Even a minor mistake can lead to skin injury instead of cleansing the pores. The most popular remedies include: Japanese mask for blackheads Shise >


Owners can choose an effective remedy for blackheads, knowing their types.

Rating of the best film masks for blackheads

To make your choice, the following is a list of the most popular means:

  1. Elizavecca. The manufacturers of this Korean brand have focused on the action of natural ingredients. The film mask will soothe irritated skin. The main properties are improving complexion and regulating the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  2. Black Clean film mask from Vitex. It has established itself as an effective remedy for excess oily skin. The mask also removes toxins and oxidants.
  3. Compliment. The mask is used for acne, blackheads and irritation. Absorbents remove the main task, and salicylic acid helps prevent skin diseases.
  4. Black Mask (black). The mask can quickly eliminate blackheads. Contains cucumber extract. In addition to fighting acne, it has a moisturizing effect.
  5. Naris film mask. A product from a Japanese manufacturer can get rid of fine wrinkles, sagging and blackheads. It contains eggshells and collagen.
  6. Qiansoto film mask. The product contains elements such as vegetable extract and vitamin E. The mask provides high-quality care with long-term use.


All film masks have a positive effect, but it is important to choose them taking into account the type of skin and its characteristics.

Top best masks for blackheads

There is a wide range of appropriate products on the market. Choosing the right option becomes an insurmountable task. To make this task easier for women, they need to familiarize themselves with the list of the best masks against blackheads:

  1. “The magic of clay” from L’Oreal Paris. Consists of seaweed, kaolin, eucalyptus. Due to its exfoliating properties, the mask is best suited for those with dry skin. The manufacturer claims its effectiveness for all skin types.
  2. Gel mask Clean & Clear. The product is easy to use, has a low price and a positive effect.
  3. Rare Earth Pore Cleansing Masque, Kiehl's. The product helps to quickly remove blackheads thanks to Amazonian white clay and aloe vera juice. Most of all, the mask is aimed at dry skin.
  4. Universal remedy from Vichy - Masque Argile Purifiant Pores. Suitable for all skin types. The mask contains aloe vera and 2 types of clay. This not only cleanses the skin, but also prevents it from drying out.
  5. Clarifying Clay Masque, SkinCeuticals. The product has an enhanced effect. The mask contains clay and various acids. It is able to even out facial tone and regulate sebum production.
  6. Skin's Best Wonder Mask, Biotherm. The mask has special effects. Moroccan clay effectively copes with major problems, and apricot kernels and antioxidants give a healthy appearance and complexion.
  7. Pilaten Black Head. The base of the mask is Brazilian bamboo charcoal, grapefruit oil, wheat germ and vitamin B5. The product perfectly cleanses the skin of impurities, nourishes and moisturizes it well. Suitable for any type of dermis.
  8. Black Mask Boscia Luminizing. The mask not only cleanses the skin of the face, but also absorbs toxins and impurities, and activates natural biological processes. Designed for all skin types.


Thanks to the rating of the best masks for blackheads, women will be able to choose the most suitable product that will not only eliminate the main defects, but also improve the overall condition of the skin.

How to choose the right ready-made product?

If for some reason the top masks from the above list are not suitable, they are selected independently. The main thing is what ingredients should be included. The best masks for blackheads usually contain the following well-known natural ingredients:

  1. clay, its type is usually selected taking into account the skin type;
  2. charcoal;
  3. aloe vera;
  4. tea tree extract.

It is important that at least one of these components is included in the product. Then this will be a guarantee of its effectiveness.

The chemical components of good masks for acne and blackheads are much more difficult to understand:

  1. Benzoyl peroxide. This antibacterial component helps eliminate germs from pores. However, it can dry out the skin and cause red spots.
  2. Salicylic acid. Dissolves the contents of pores and does not disturb the natural fat layer of the skin.
  3. Glycolic acid. This component is produced from sugar cane. It helps get rid of dirt in the pores.

Knowing what ingredients should be in anti-comedogenic masks, a woman can easily choose the best product.

Homemade masks for blackheads

In addition to ready-made remedies for getting rid of comedones, you can prepare an effective remedy yourself. To do this, it is important to select the necessary components. Before the procedure, the facial skin needs to be steamed and cleansed. The best homemade masks for blackheads include:

  1. Protein mask. It has the ability to cleanse and tighten pores, as well as get rid of comedones. The mask is done twice a week. The whites are whipped into foam. Apply to the skin in several layers as the previous one dries. There should not be more than 4 of them. Keep for 15 minutes. To improve the effect, you can add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.
  2. Soda mask. Effectively gets rid of blackheads. The mask should be used no more than once every 14 days, as this can lead to dryness of the facial skin. Mix 1 teaspoon of soda with 1 tbsp. spoon of warm water. Apply with massage movements to problem areas. Leave for 15 minutes, rinse with water. To enhance the nutritional effect, add 1 tbsp. spoon of oatmeal.
  3. Pepper-curd mask. Cleanses pores, eliminates blackheads. 0.5 teaspoons pepper and 1 tbsp. mix a spoonful of cottage cheese. Apply a thick layer to the face, paying special attention to the T-zone. Leave for 5 minutes, rinse with water.
  4. Fenugreek mask. Excellent for getting rid of blackheads. Before use, perform an allergy test. 1 tbsp. Mix a spoonful of chopped herbs with water. Apply to face and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse with water.
  5. Mask with white clay and pineapples. The product can effectively remove blackheads. 2 tbsp. Mix spoons of clay and pineapple juice. Cool the ingredients in the refrigerator. Apply the mask from bottom to top onto your face, after moistening it with water. Leave for 15 minutes.
  6. Lemon-egg mask. Tightens pores and gets rid of blackheads. Beat chicken protein, add 1 tbsp. spoon of lemon juice, 1 tbsp. spoon of brown sugar. When the components dissolve, apply to the face. Leave for 15 minutes. Rinse with water.
  7. Mask made of gelatin and charcoal. It forms a film on the face and is suitable for sensitive skin. Mix milk and gelatin in equal proportions. Heat over low heat for 3-6 seconds. Then place it in the microwave for a few seconds. Gelatin must be completely dissolved. Activated carbon can be added to the mask at the mixing stage. You can apply the mask with your hands or with a brush. After a quarter of an hour, remove using upward movements.


Which mask is best for blackheads? Women must determine this themselves, based on the characteristics of their skin, the absence of allergies to certain components and other characteristics.

Rules for using masks and contraindications

To achieve a positive effect and prevent side effects, you must follow these tips:

  1. The procedures must be carried out strictly according to the instructions, 1-2 times a week;
  2. before starting use, you need to do an allergy test;
  3. You should not independently increase the exposure time.

A contraindication to the use of the mask is individual intolerance to the components. Pregnancy and breastfeeding are one of the restrictions on the use of the product.

Women's opinions

According to reviews, each girl has her own best mask for blackheads. Usually they were based on personal preferences and facial skin characteristics.

Some women use masks that they prepare themselves. As a result, they get rid of blackheads and improve the condition of the skin.


Other girls buy masks in cosmetics stores. When choosing them, they proceed from the type of skin and its other characteristics. As a result, they reduce the number of comedones on the face and improve the appearance of the skin.

The best face mask for blackheads is a product that has a positive effect. When choosing it, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the skin, individual intolerance to individual components and existing contraindications. It is best to consult a specialist before using masks.

The question is on topic. Those who got rid of them, how did you do it? How long did it take?

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Psychotherapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

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Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

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Psychologist, Gestalt therapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

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Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

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Psychologist, Crisis counseling. Specialist from the site b17.ru

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Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

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Psychologist, Family psychologist Skype. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Boyko Inessa Borisovna

Psychologist, Online consultant. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Professional cosmetics and beautician monthly. You can’t completely get rid of them, but it’s quite possible to have beautiful skin with a minimum amount of acne.

I've been fighting all my life. No sense. Mechanical cleaning and nothing else can remove comedones. And even then for a while...

Professional cosmetics and beautician monthly. You can’t completely get rid of them, but it’s quite possible to have beautiful skin with a minimum amount of acne.

It helps me a lot. Bioelements for mixed skin. The whole line for combination skin is very good, but the mask does not work well

I bought a greenmama mask “Cleansing plantain and horsetail”, I use it every 2 days only on the nose, it’s normal

This is a feature of the skin (porous) prone to oiliness.
Pores get clogged all the time. Therefore, the solution is to constantly cleanse them and narrow (pores)
This is what I have been doing all my life.

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I read on one forum that it helps.. henna!))) you apply it like a mask, then wash it off, and your pores seem to become cleaner.. according to reviews, it helps a lot of people.. I didn’t notice much of a difference the first time, I’ll try again )

Mask from Tony Moly with egg.

I changed creams to gels. Now the pores are clean. Recently they gave me samples of some good creams. I used it for a couple of days. And the pores immediately began to darken. I returned to the gel - everything was ok.

Proper nutrition without fatty and fried foods, washing with cool water, a minimum of different creams. Creams easily cause blackheads to appear.

Mary Kay creams helped me.

Mary Kay creams helped me.

Yeah, of course) they believed so. Better than bleach

Do patches help? Speaking Russian, nose stickers?

Holy Land cosmetics, but only with a cosmetologist, she will select care for you at home! But it really helps!

Diet. No fatty, spicy, salty, sweet, starchy foods. Sometimes, on holidays. a little. Yes it is hard. Plus a cosmetologist. Otherwise they eat everything and look for a cream to immediately solve the problem. This doesn't happen.

I did knots and mechanical cleaning in the salon, plus glycolic peels. I did this for 4 months, about once a month. It helped a lot, almost all of them disappeared. Now I do it once a season and at home I constantly cleanse my skin with scrubs and masks. Compared to what I had just heaven and earth, there are almost none now

Diet. No fatty, spicy, salty, sweet, starchy foods. Sometimes, on holidays. a little. Yes it is hard. Plus a cosmetologist. Otherwise they eat everything and look for a cream to immediately solve the problem. This doesn't happen.

Do patches help? Speaking Russian, nose stickers?

I steam it over a saucepan, then a mask of white clay or strips (alternate).
have not completely disappeared. but it got much better

YOU CAN'T GET RID OF THEM. This is a feature of the skin (porous) that is prone to oiliness. The pores are constantly clogged. Therefore, the solution is to constantly cleanse them and narrow (the pores) which is what I have been doing all my life.

I have such skin thanks to cosmetologists! Spoiled(((

Not only did I get rid of blackheads, I also often get pimples. First of all, I reviewed my diet, then took a course of Evisent tablets, and every morning I washed my face with Evisent brewer’s yeast foam with sulfur. It removes makeup residue well without drying out the skin. Thanks to its effective formula, the foam gets rid of blackheads and tightens pores, eliminates oily shine, relieves irritation, refreshes and mattifies the skin.

Metrogil gel, after mechanical cleaning, the redness heals quickly, and grease actually stands out much less

Professional facial cleansing helps a lot against comedones. I had a mechanical cleaning session at Revival, the sebum was well removed from the pores, then an anti-inflammatory mask was applied on top. It helps if you take care of yourself regularly.

I agree with many. Of course, you also need to watch your diet. Select decorative cosmetics and skin care cosmetics strictly according to your type. I, too, suffered from blackheads and an oily face until I bought myself a cleansing foam and yeast with sulfur and Evisent. In the morning I washed myself with cool water and foam. In the evening I always wiped it with lotion. After just two weeks, the functioning of the sebaceous glands returned to normal, and the pores began to narrow. Of course, you can go to a salon for a facial, but then you still need constant care for your skin to keep it in normal condition. And for this, the Evisent series of yeast with sulfur is the best assistant. Unfortunately, it is impossible to correct your skin type.

What kind of imposition of some kind of event...

Cleaning with a scrub and a deep cleansing mask based on clay from Faberlic helps me well.

In every topic about blackheads, someone is promoting an event. the same phrases

Shu Uemura art Of Beauty Oil for oily skin “Oil that gently cleanses pores.”

Go to a good cosmetologist, he will remove everything for you. I go to see Semyonova at the Medical Center of the City on Sredny, on Vaska, they have a cool laser cosmetology center there, at the medical center.

Proper nutrition, water balance and consultation with a medical cosmetologist. which I receive as a big plus on the card - this is my secret to well-groomed facial skin.

proper nutrition, I squeeze out my nose and threw away all the super-creams (with super-prices, of course, to hell). Now I have baby cream and Vaseline, clay masks and a perfect face))) By the way, I no longer “buy” advertising. Since all my decorative cosmetics are made in Belarus (it costs 3 kopecks, but the quality is excellent)

Squeeze them out and dry them

Of all, I tried a set of two La Roche products, duo effalar + this is a gel for cleansing the top layer and a gel for reducing the production of subcutaneous sebum, I apply only to the nose and chin. There are actually 10 times fewer dots, but so far, due to the fact that the fat has nowhere to go, it comes out in large pimples on the cheeks (although this has never happened before)

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