
Eycapnia is a modern phenomenon that is common among social media users. This is a process in which people use obscene words or expressions that are not generally accepted norms of communication in society. In this article we will look at the main causes of asapnia, and also talk about how to prevent its occurrence.

Causes of eicapnia There are 2 main types of circumstances that cause eicapnia: external and internal. External circumstances arise suddenly: for example, when you receive unexpected information or are faced with a serious problem, as a result of which you need to release pent-up emotions. Internal circumstances are a combination of the following factors: - lack of upbringing and education; lack of understanding that the expression of emotions is a normal and necessary process; problems of self-esteem and self-confidence; a bad example from older people is when they calmly swear at others and this makes them swear more often than even when driving a car. And the children repeat the same thing; education by selfish people and rudeness of adults - parents often force children to do shopping, cleaning, and at the same time can be rude to the child; after this, it’s not surprising to start being rude to people on the street; errors in communication in the company; inflated demands of adults on the child and other negativity; everyday difficulties; conflicts in the family; losses. To summarize the above, we can say that the occurrence of asapnia often directly depends on the correct socialization of a person, etiquette of communication in the environment and upbringing throughout life.

Ways to prevent the appearance of ekanyon and eismol swearing There are several proven ways to avoid ekanyon and inappropriate swearing; we will highlight five of them. 1. Speak clearly. If you express your thoughts clearly, you cannot be accused of hidden agendas or intent to offend. 1 2. Speak openly. Always follow the principle: “Either tell the truth or remain silent.” The less you hide, the less likely you are to get into an awkward situation. 3 3. Control your physical and