Cost Effectiveness of Healthcare

Article: “Economic efficiency of healthcare”

In the modern world, healthcare is one of the most important sectors of the economy, which has a direct impact on the health of the population and the development of society as a whole. Therefore, assessing the economic efficiency of this sector is becoming an increasingly urgent task. In this article we will consider what is meant by the economic efficiency of healthcare, how it is determined and what results it can bring for the economy.

Economic efficiency is understood as the result of a socially useful activity, expressed in the ratio of the final results obtained to the expenditure of labor and resources to obtain these results, and the basis for comparing the obtained result with the planned one. If the costs of providing medical care significantly exceed its effectiveness, then there is no need to talk about it.

Assessment of the cost-effectiveness of healthcare is carried out in different ways. One of the most common is determining the relationship between the costs of providing medical services and the results they bring. This method is often called “cost-benefit”.

Another approach to assessing economic efficiency is associated with determining the cost of damage caused or prevented to human health, as well as social costs associated with the provision of medical care. This approach is often referred to as the cost-benefit or social benefit approach.

The economic efficiency of healthcare authorities is also determined by the quality of medical care and the level of patient satisfaction. The development of healthcare indicates a favorable social and environmental situation in the country. She shows

Healthcare is one of the main elements of the national economy, which plays an important role in ensuring the health of the population. However, like any other enterprise, healthcare must be efficient and cost-effective. This article will examine the concept of cost-effectiveness in healthcare and how it can be measured.

The economic efficiency of healthcare is an indicator that reflects the results of the activities of medical institutions and health authorities in preventing