
Excyclophoria – the pursuer of hallucinations

Drug addiction, alcoholism, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and other mental disorders can lead to hallucinatory images that are difficult to shake. Special methods have been developed for this, some of them using light flashes. Excyclophoric therapy is based on the same principle.

Additionally, excyclophora is the effect and terminology abbreviated from the term Excyclophorization, which means “chasing a hallucination,” during artificial light therapy. In this case, the degree of brightness does not matter much, but light pulses associated with convulsive eye movements may be necessary to achieve results in mental disorders.

What is excyclophora?

According to medical research, excyclophora is the only way to stop the neurological reactions of hallucinations (hallucinoid and imaginary activities). Most often, this phenomenon is observed in young people who are in a state of intoxication caused by mental symptoms. This phenomenon occurs regardless of the type of substance used by people with schizophrenia. Excyclophora can also be used to get rid of psilocybin, a substance that causes psychosis.