Ectopic Ureter

Ectopic urethra is a pathological condition in which the urethral canal and the urethral canal are at different levels relative to each other. Such disorders occur in men and women, but the most common diagnosis is in male patients (85% of all cases of ectopic urethra).

What reasons does medicine refer to when ectopia occurs and what is it? Before talking about the causes of this pathology, the concept of normal should be mentioned. You should know that in a healthy person, the urethra, or urethra, is located on the front wall of the bladder. Normally, it is located in the middle in relation to the bladder. And the exits of both sections - the pubobvesical angle - are located behind and directed downwards. Only in rare cases are there exceptions to the rules and, for example, the external opening of the urethra may be located at the apex of the triangle. In 95% of cases, this formation is congenital and hereditary. Thus, ectopic urethra is diagnosed in children born from healthy parents. This anomaly may occur in boys who were born with this disease or in children born prematurely with normally developing lungs. However, 5% of the causes of ectopic urine in children are injuries to the genitourinary system, inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, hormonal changes against the background of a complete absence of pathologies of the urinary system. The presence of this condition in women