Elastorhexis Systemic Touraine

Elastorhexis (Pseudoxanthoma) Systemic Touraine is a rare form of benign skin tumor, which is characterized by the formation of compactions similar to elastic nodes. The name “elastorexis” comes from the Latin word “elasticus”, which means “elastic”. This name reflects the appearance of the tumor, which has a dense and elastic consistency.

Elastorhexis can occur anywhere on the body, but most often they appear on the face and hands. Tumors usually range in size from a few millimeters to several centimeters and can be either single or multiple. They can be single or located in groups.

The main symptom of elastorhexis is the formation of lumps on the skin, which can be painful. There may also be changes in skin color in the area of ​​the tumor. In some cases, itching and burning may occur.

Diagnosis of elastorexis usually does not cause difficulties, since they have a characteristic appearance. However, a tumor biopsy may be required to confirm the diagnosis.

Treatment of elastorexis depends on its size and location. If the tumors are small and located on the face or arms, observation is usually sufficient. If the tumors are large or located in other areas of the body, surgical removal may be required.

In general, elastorexis are benign tumors that do not pose a health risk. However, they can cause cosmetic defects and discomfort, so it is important to consult a doctor if such formations are detected on the skin.