
An electrodialyzer is a device for purifying liquids from impurities. It works due to the potential difference between solid electrodes in a container with the liquid being purified. Charged particles are attracted to the corresponding electrodes, and neutral components remain in solution. The process is repeated many times until the liquid is cleared.

Depending on the electrochemical cleaning technology, electrodialyzers can be classified as single-chamber or multi-chamber. In the first case, the liquid to be purified passes through a salt solution located in a separate chamber. In the second case, several chambers are used to process different solutions. This technology allows for a higher degree of purification and the use of fewer chemicals.

An electrodialyzer is also a device for producing distilled water using electric current through a diffusing barrier. Electrodialysis has been used to produce ultrapure water in industrial plants. But now more advanced methods are more often used: reverse osmosis or ion exchange filtration.

Advantages of electrodialysis: * ease of installation and operation of electrodialyzers; * fairly high specific output over a short period; * low temperature of the received water; * high economic efficiency of the electrodial water method for a number of industries; * effective elimination of odors from treated water (based on the characteristics of the raw materials).

Unfortunately. This is a dangerous method of obtaining purified water. The area of ​​electrolysis.