Electrocoagulation of papillomas: care after the procedure

Electrocoagulation of papilloma on the body

The content of the article:
  1. Complications after papilloma removal
  2. Care after electrocoagulation
  3. How to treat wounds
    1. To relieve pain
    2. To speed up wound healing
    3. For disinfecting wounds
    4. For the prevention of scars
  4. What should not be used to treat a wound?

Skin care after electrocoagulation of papilloma is a whole range of measures aimed at preventing complications and rapid tissue restoration. This includes the use of various means, taking painkillers, and following a number of rules.

Complications after removal of papilloma by electrocoagulation

Scar after removal of papilloma by electrocoagulation

The photo shows a scar after removal of papilloma by electrocoagulation

Complications usually occur when the procedure is performed by a doctor with little experience or when he does not adhere to existing instructions. Negative consequences can occur if the frequency and strength of the electric current are incorrectly selected, or when the procedure is performed without taking into account the size and type of formation, and the characteristics of the patient’s tissues. The likelihood of suffering from them also increases if you ignore the rules of skin care after removal of papilloma by electrocoagulation.

Complications may include the following problems:

  1. Scarring. Their appearance is associated with the development of necrosis, which means the death of individual tissues on the body, in this case, at the site of a remote formation. It is caused by impaired blood circulation in tissues, provoked by excessive exposure to electric current.
  2. Relapses. After incomplete removal of the growth by electrocoagulation, the cells may remain infected with the papilloma virus, which will increase the risk of its spread to neighboring areas. This may lead to the appearance of formations in a new place or even in the previous one.
  3. Dark spots. Before considering the features of skin treatment after removal of papillomas by electrocoagulation, it must be said that this defect refers to spots on certain areas of the skin that are lighter or darker in color compared to other tissues. They stand out sharply against the general background and can have completely different sizes - on average about 1-2 cm. The reason for their formation is the effect of electric current on melanin, which as a result begins to be produced in large volumes.
  4. Painful sensations. They may appear during the procedure or begin to bother you during the recovery period. This usually applies to people with a low pain threshold and increased skin sensitivity. The likelihood of their occurrence is higher in those who undergo electrocoagulation of papilloma without local anesthesia.
  5. Bleeding wound. As a result of incorrectly performed electrocoagulation of papilloma or incorrect skin care after the procedure, a small mark always remains at the site of the removed growth. If a person has problems with blood clotting, then it can sometimes leak out of the wound in small quantities. This can lead to slower healing and blood poisoning if there is no proper response.
  6. Allergy. This complication is a rather rare occurrence due to the normal human tolerance of low-intensity electric current. Problems arise mainly if painkillers that have not been tested in advance are used during the procedure. After its completion, the patient may experience skin redness, irritation and itching.
  7. Suppuration. This complication is a consequence of infection entering the wound and in the absence of proper skin care at the site of removal of the papilloma by electrocoagulation through antiseptic treatment. This can also happen if the doctor refuses to wear sterile gloves, which is a prerequisite for performing the procedure safely.

If the complications listed above occur, you must immediately consult your doctor to successfully complete rehabilitation and exclude more serious pathologies.

Note! The appearance of slight swelling, redness and discomfort in the first hours after completion of the session is normal, but if such problems do not go away, then this indicates deviations.
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Care after electrocoagulation of papilloma

Bandage after removal of papilloma

After exposing the papilloma to electric current and cauterizing it, a dry crust forms at this site, which in no case should be removed by force. After a few days, it should fall off on its own, which will avoid the appearance of a scar.

Before removing the crust It is not recommended to treat the wound after removal of papilloma by electrocoagulation with skincare cosmetics. It is also undesirable to use razors in these areas, or rub them vigorously with sponges and brushes. To avoid infection, do not touch the skin with dirty hands or press on it.

In the first weeks After the procedure, it is recommended to avoid visiting a bathhouse, sauna, or swimming pool, as increased moisture slows down the process of tissue regeneration and inhibits wound healing. Moreover, this facilitates the penetration of infections and bacteria in the water through them into the blood. As a result, inflammation and redness of the skin may occur.

Also after electrocoagulation of papillomas, proper care within 1-2 weeks involves excluding exposure of treated areas to open sunlight and avoiding visiting a solarium.

You should not comb these areas, even if you want to. In addition to this, it is important to avoid skin contact with synthetic fabrics, which may irritate the problem area.

Important! Immediately after removing the formation, it is necessary to apply a sterile bandage to the wound or cover the area with a plaster. They should be changed every 1-2 days, especially if pus and blood appear underneath them.
  1. Read also what to do if the wound festers after papilloma removal

How to treat wounds after removal of papillomas by electrocoagulation?

To heal the wound as quickly as possible, you will need regenerating creams and ointments. If painful sensations occur, painkillers and medications will be required. Also, during the period of skin care after electrocoagulation of papilloma, it is mandatory to treat the wound with antiseptic solutions to prevent blood contamination.

Pain relief products after electrocoagulation

Pain relief products after electrocoagulation

Photos of medications for pain relief after electrocoagulation of papillomas

In case of mild discomfort, external treatment of the wound with creams, ointments and gels with an analgesic effect is quite sufficient. To eliminate discomfort, you can apply them 2-3 times a day in a thin layer and leave until absorbed. Usually it is possible to get rid of pain in 3-4 lubrication of the skin, but it may take more time.

Some good external treatment products include the following:

  1. Emla, 5%. Its effectiveness is due to the content of lidocaine; the desired result can be obtained 60-120 minutes after using the cream. It cannot be used in skin care after removal of papilloma by electrocoagulation during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Emla's cost is 300 rubles. (130 UAH). It is sold in 5 g tubes.
  2. Dr. Numb. The cream is available in a 30 ml tube; it is made on the basis of lidocaine, which is responsible for effective pain relief. It is recommended to apply it in 2 layers, the first is made thinner than the second, then it is recommended to cover the smeared area with film and leave it for 20 minutes. The active effect of the product lasts for 2-3 hours. The cost of Doctor Namba is 500 rubles. (230 UAH).
  3. Anestol. This is a water-based ointment to relieve pain, including after physiotherapy. It is applied to the skin once in a thin layer and left until absorbed. The effect of such care for papilloma after electrocoagulation appears 20-30 minutes later and lasts for 1.5-2 hours. The product is sold in 30 g tubes and includes lidocaine, tetracaine, epinephrine and benzocaine. The cost of Anestol is 1000 rubles. (450 UAH).
  4. Light Dep. This is an anesthetic cream that penetrates deep into the skin and provides relief from discomfort for more than 3-4 hours. It contains sodium hydroxide, castor oil, ethylhexylpropanediol, carbomer, which, in fact, allow you to get rid of discomfort. The product is available in a 30 ml tube. The cost of Light Dep is 700 rubles. (300 UAH).

In case of severe pain, it can be included in skin care after electrocoagulation of papilloma, in addition to external agents or independently, analgesic tablets. The most accessible and effective of them are Ibuprofen, Analgin, Nimesulide and Paracetamol. But you can’t drink them often; you can take a maximum of 1-2 pieces at a time.

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Preparations for accelerating wound healing after electrocoagulation of papillomas

Methyluracil ointment

To achieve this effect, it is necessary to accelerate the production of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid in the tissues. For this purpose you can use gel "Dermatix". Its formula is based on silicon oxide and polysiloxanes. Before applying the product to the skin, wipe it with a damp cloth and wipe dry. The procedure should be carried out 2 times a day for 1-2 weeks. The cost of Dermatix is ​​1,700 rubles. (800 UAH).

Another good skin care product after electrocoagulation of papilloma is ointment "Methyluracil". It is packaged in 25 g tubes, the cost is 100 rubles. (40 UAH). It should be applied to the wound 2-3 times a day until absorbed, the residue should be removed with a napkin.

In addition to Dermatix and Methyluracil, you can use oil solutions of vitamins A and E, sold in ampoules or bottles. You need to moisten a cotton pad in them and apply it to the area treated with electric current for 10-15 minutes once a day. Their cost is approximately 40-50 rubles.

  1. See also instructions for use of Solcoseryl after removal of papillomas

Means for disinfecting wounds after removal of papilloma by electrocoagulation

Means for disinfecting wounds after removal of papilloma by electrocoagulation

The photo shows preparations for wound disinfection after removal of papilloma by electrocoagulation

Immediately after cauterizing the growth with electric current, the area should be treated with any antiseptic. The same procedure should be carried out 2-3 times a day in the first few days. To do this, you can include papilloma in skin care after electrocoagulation Miramistin solution, in which a napkin should be moistened and applied to the growth for 15-20 minutes twice a day. The cost of the product is 200 rubles. (90 UAH).

Other good antiseptics include the following:

  1. Potassium permangantsovka. Its official name in medicine is potassium permanganate, which is a bright purple solution with a sharp, characteristic odor. It needs to be used to treat the wound 2-3 times a day using a cotton pad; it is enough to do this for 3-4 days.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide. This is a solution with a transparent color and a slight metallic odor. Sold in felt-tip pens of 5 ml and in bottles of 40, 50, 100 and 1000 ml. For external treatment of wounds, it is recommended to use a 3% composition. In order for skin care after removal of papilloma by electrocoagulation to be effective, it is necessary to lubricate them with a cotton swab dipped in the product 3 times a day. The cost of hydrogen peroxide is 20 rubles. (9 UAH).
  3. Furacilin. This product is also sold under another name “Nitrofural” in the form of a solution in a 10 ml bottle with darkened glass walls. It has a transparent color and an alcoholic smell. They need to irrigate the problem surface or apply bandages soaked in it. The cost of Furacilin is 200 rubles. (80 UAH).
  4. Alcohol. You can use absolutely any product - formic alcohol, ethyl, isopropyl, boric or camphor. It dries out the wound and promotes the formation of a crust, without which skin healing is impossible. They need to wipe the areas where the formations were removed 2-3 times a day. The average cost of alcohol is 30 rubles. (12 UAH).

Among other effective and affordable means that can be used during tissue care after electrocoagulation of papilloma, it is worth highlighting iodine, green diamond solution and chlorhexidine. The latter is used for irrigation and application to the skin for 3-4 days from the moment of removal of the formation.

Means for the prevention of scar formation after electrocoagulation

Drug Aevit

To prevent such consequences, it is recommended to take a course of vitamins, for example, you can drink drug "Aevit", available in capsules. They must be taken 1 piece at a time. per day with a small amount of water. The course of therapy can last about a month. The cost of Aevit is 30 rubles. (14 UAH). It can be replaced with Relzer or Aekol in the form of an oil solution.

Proper care of the site of papilloma removal by electrocoagulation allows you to take 1 tbsp separately. l. liquid vitamins A and E, and the best time for this is breakfast.

In addition to this, it is recommended to take ascorbic acid tablets, tincture of echinacea, eleutherococcus or ginseng to strengthen the body's immune properties and accelerate tissue regeneration.

It will also be useful gel "Kontraktubeks", sold in tubes of 20 and 50 g. It costs about 700 rubles. (320 UAH), and it should be used 2-3 times a day.

It can be replaced by "Fermenkol" product. Its penetration into the deep layers of the skin can be achieved using applications.

  1. See also instructions for use of Dermavit for papillomas

What should not be done to treat a wound after electrocoagulation of papillomas?

Do not treat the wound after electrocoagulation with papillary alcohol

Do not treat a wound after a crust has formed with alcohol.!

Under no circumstances should the problem area be wetted with water; this can increase the risk of infection and slow down tissue regeneration. Accordingly, it is not recommended to moisturize the skin with creams with this effect, as well as products with a large amount of oils in the composition.

Scrubs, creams and other products containing biologically active substances that can cause allergies - alkalis, sulfates, formaldehydes and many others should not be applied to the body. etc.

During the period of tissue care after electrocoagulation of papilloma, contact of the skin with household chemicals - powders, dishwashing detergents, whites, etc. should be avoided. They can provoke redness, irritation and inflammation of tissues, and slow down their recovery after the papilloma cauterization procedure.

After a crust has formed, you should not use alcohol or products that contain this component - lotions, tonics, etc. This can lead to dry tissue and itching.

How to remove papilloma by electrocoagulation - watch the video:

Knowing how to treat wounds after removal of papillomas using electrocoagulation, and turning to a reliable specialist, you can count on the absence of complications as a result of such a procedure. If they do appear, then it is necessary to urgently respond to them and take all necessary measures to eliminate the problems.

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