Electroconization of the Cervix

Conization of the cervix

**Electroconization of the cervix (ECH)** is a method of removing the affected area of ​​the cervix with an electrosurgical instrument using high-frequency current. Used to diagnose cervical diseases and treat various pathologies.

Cervical conization is a method of surgically removing part of the cervix during colposcopy. As a result of this procedure, the doctor receives a tissue sample for research - cytology, smear and biopsy, which can be removed on the spot (immediately) or sent to the laboratory. The exact amount of tissue that will be sent for research is determined by the doctor.

**Electroconical surgery** is one of the most effective methods of treating various diseases of the cervix. This procedure allows you to quickly and painlessly remove the affected tissue and prevent further development of cancer. In the process of electroconization, under the supervision of a physician, part of the cervical tissue is removed by electrocoagulation. This avoids the appearance of scars and speeds up the wound healing process.

Electroconization of the cervix is ​​commonly performed to prevent and treat various gynecological diseases such as cervicitis, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), and precancerous cervical cancer. This treatment may be effective in controlling genital tract infections and may also increase the chances of successful conception and childbirth. The procedure can be performed either on an outpatient basis or in a hospital setting.

During the process of electroconization of the cervix, anesthesia