
Electronarcosis is a procedure in which certain areas of the brain are stimulated in a special way. It is thanks to this principle that the entire process of pain relief works. During this event, the doctor sends a stimulating signal to the brain. The resulting physiological changes help the brain stop processing nerve impulses that

**Electronesthesia and its features**

Electronarcosis is a new technology that allows anesthesia to be performed painlessly and safely for the patient. It is based on the use of electric current, which affects the human brain and induces sleep. This method is already used in some countries, but has only recently begun to be used in Russia.

The main feature of electronic anesthesia is that it does not cause pain or discomfort for the patient. Instead, electrodes placed on the scalp stimulate specific areas of the brain, causing sleepiness and relaxation. Thus, the patient does not feel pain and can breathe calmly during the operation.

Another advantage of electronic anesthesia is that this method allows you to control the patient’s sleep depth