
An elevator is a tool that is used in medicine to remove sunken parts of broken bones. It can be used to remove the bones of the skull roof, cheek bones and other parts of the body.

In orthopedic practice, an elevator is used to remove the periosteum that covers the bone. For this purpose, a special elevator is used, which has the shape of a lever.

The elevator can also be used to remove teeth. It helps free the tooth from its socket, allowing it to be removed painlessly and safely.

Thus, the elevator is an important tool in medicine, which helps to perform various operations on bones and teeth.

Elevators are instruments used in orthopedic and dental practice for various purposes. One of them is an elevator for removing sunken parts of broken bones, such as the skull roof or zygomatic bones. Such a tool allows you to remove the sunken bone from its socket and restore functionality.

Another instrument is the periosteal elevator, which is used to remove the periosteum. The periosteum is the membrane that covers the outside of the bone. It protects the bone from damage and infection. When the periosteum is removed, the elevator removes dead tissue and provides access to the bone for treatment.

The elevator is also used to free teeth from their sockets during extraction. This may be necessary when treating tooth decay or other diseases that require tooth extraction. The elevator allows you to carefully remove the tooth from the socket without damaging the surrounding tissue.

Elevators and hammers are widely used in dentistry. An elevator can be used to explore a carious cavity and expand it to the required size without disturbing the edges of the enamel. A hammer can be used to remove fillings used to treat teeth, but the filling breaks apart after it is removed.