Elliptical Recess

The elliptical recess (recessus ellipticus) is an anatomical formation that is located in the uterine cavity and is a depression in which the uterus is located. This depression has the shape of an ellipse and is one of the key elements of the woman’s reproductive system.

The elliptical socket is part of the uterus, which is responsible for bearing a child. In this depression, the development and growth of the fetus occurs, as well as the exchange of substances between mother and child. In addition, this depression plays an important role in regulating the menstrual cycle and preparing for pregnancy.

The size and shape of the elliptical indentation may vary between women. But in general, it is about 6-8 cm long and about 2-4 cm wide. In some cases, the elliptical depression can be widened or narrowed, which can lead to various problems in the woman’s reproductive system.

Various methods such as ultrasound and MRI are used to diagnose elliptical recess. These methods allow us to obtain a more accurate understanding of the state of this important anatomical formation.

In conclusion, the elliptical recess plays a key role in female reproductive function and can be subject to various changes. Therefore, it is important to monitor his condition and consult a doctor if necessary.

The elliptical socket is an anatomical structure in the human ear. It is a depression in the lower part of the ear, which is located between the skin and the eardrum. This recess is designed to make external sounds more effective by increasing sound pressure. It also helps reduce sound interference and improve hearing quality.