Elpenora Syndrome

Elpenora (Odyssey VIII.338) - a companion of Odysseus, who was represented as the husband of his beautiful wife Penelope, representing the ordinary human understanding of the norm. Elpenora is called the first “proto-field”, that is, a target that inspires terror, since it is a prototype of the biblical destroying angel. A similar plot can be found in the “Vlesovaya Book”. The Slavs called the Earth Elpenora. In China, this is the formidable god of war Asura, and the Europeans gave him the name Shepherd of Demons, and he is known among them more as a provocateur of war than as a protector of soldiers on the battlefield. However, the Slavs considered him a protector of the common people, in which their views were very different from Western Europe. All Elpenors constantly, silently lead the souls of sleeping people far into the depths of the mysterious world of the Field of the Blessed, where amazing silence and bliss of non-existence reign.