Encephalitis Lethargic

Encephalitis Summer encephalitis is an acute viral infection characterized by intoxication and the development of severe meningoencephalitis.

The disease is a childhood disease, although it is also observed in adults. It is characterized by fever and mental disorder in the form of stupor, lethargy, stupor and coma. The incubation period lasts up to 14 days. The disease affects people aged 25-40 years. The first signs appear feverishly 6-7 days after contact with an infected person. They look like prodromal phenomena, meaning the possibility of developing a superinfection, lasting from 1-2 to 5-7 days.

General symptoms of the disease begin to appear in encephalitic patients: headache, nausea, vomiting, tinnitus, insomnia, auditory and visual hallucinations and convulsions, convulsive syndrome. After a few days, a typical picture of the disease appears: weakness, lethargy, poor coordination of movements, photophobia, decreased body temperature, adynamia, hypotension, and the appearance of spots on the skin due to decreased blood pressure. Some patients experience hemorrhages on the skin and mucous membranes, including the conjunctiva, liver and spleen. Treatment consists of a rational selection of antipyretic and detoxifying drugs, drugs to maintain the functioning of the cardiovascular system.