Endocarditis Lefflera

Lefler's endocardium is a serious disease that affects the valves of the heart. During this disease, the heart cannot pump blood well, which ultimately leads to heart disease and even death.

Loeffler's endocarditis can cause pulmonary edema and kidney failure in patients. This disease can occur due to infection or inflammation that affects the walls of the heart. It is still not clear why some people may develop Loeffer's endocarditis, but there are several risk factors that have been associated with the disease. The main risk factor is a passive lifestyle. People who generally have poor health and immune systems may be at high risk of developing Loeffler's endocardium, especially if they are not physically active and use tobacco products. In addition, people infected with hepatitis C virus or HIV/AIDS infection may also have a higher risk of Loeffler's endocardial disease. There is also a connection between the incidence of Löfler's endocardium and the presence of high blood pressure. People who already have cardiovascular disease, such as hypertension and coronary heart disease, have an increased risk of developing this disease.

Symptoms of endocardial Loeffler's may include fatigue, low blood pressure, itching, fever, and shortness of breath. In the early stages of Loeffler's endocarditis, there may be no symptoms, so it is important to seek medical help if any suspicious symptoms appear.

If you are not active and have risk factors for heart disease, you should see your doctor regularly for a checkup and check on your health. Your doctor may order blood tests and other tests to determine the condition of your heart valves. Once a disease is detected, your doctor may begin treatment, which may include both medications and lifestyle changes to control the symptoms of the disease and prevent complications.