Epilepsy (Epileptic)

Epilepsy is a chronic neurological disease characterized by regular seizures caused by abnormal brain function. This disease can occur in people of any age and gender, but usually begins in childhood or adolescence.

The causes of epilepsy can be different. Some people suffer from it because their parents were epileptics. Others may acquire this disease as a result of a head injury, infection, or other illness. Some cases of epilepsy occur without a known cause.

One of the most characteristic symptoms of epilepsy is seizures. During a seizure, the patient loses consciousness and falls. His body begins to twitch convulsively, and foam may come out of his mouth. Usually the seizures last a few minutes, after which the patient falls asleep for several hours and comes to his senses, not remembering anything that happened.

Epilepsy generally has no cure, but its symptoms can be controlled with medication. In addition, some home remedies can help reduce the frequency and severity of seizures.

One of the folk remedies used to treat epilepsy is raw onion. It should be eaten, and it is important to drink onion juice. This may help reduce the frequency and severity of seizures.

In Russian villages, a sympathetic remedy is used to treat epilepsy. It involves taking a few burning charcoals from the stove and placing them in a cup of water. Then ashes from the coals are added to the water and they pray in front of the icon, reading the prayer “Our Father”. After this, the patient is allowed to drink water from a cup 3 times. This treatment should be repeated after 11 days for more effective results.

Although epilepsy is an incurable disease, its symptoms can be controlled with medications and folk remedies. It is important to see a doctor for diagnosis and proper treatment. You should also avoid factors that can trigger a seizure, such as stress, lack of sleep and alcohol consumption.