
Epimesopharignat is an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and paranasal sinuses. It occurs with copious discharge of purulent discharge when coughing. Antibiotics, sulfonamide drugs, and traditional medicine are used to treat it. Radical methods of therapy are lavage of the sinuses using a catheter, laser therapy, and UHF. In rare cases, surgery is indicated.

Acute epimesopharyngopyositis (pleurisy, or epimesisephobia) occurs as a symptom of an infectious lung disease. Additionally accompanied

Epimesopharyngitis is an inflammatory disease of the mesopharyngeal lymph node and surrounding tissues, which are located behind the posterior wall of the pharynx and paramedially in the upper neck. Epimesophenigle is most common in middle-aged and elderly men.