Epithelioma Intraepidermal Borsta

Epithelioma or **INTRAEPITHELIAL BARSTOM DISEASE** is a special form of epithelioma (epidermoid skin tumor). The source of tumor growth is the vascular-rich area of ​​the basal layer of the epidermis in the form of an ulcer, surrounded by a fringe of elongated epithelial cells. Clearing and thickening of the tumor is observed almost everywhere due to the significant proliferation of giant, polygon-shaped cells, the closest to the normal part of the skin of which is the papillary layer of the dermis. The tumor is divided into sections by thin fibrous septa. Its epidermis is sparse in melanophores, the vascular network is poorly developed, and the degree of tumor involution is correspondingly pronounced. IEBD develops especially often in older people. They are located mainly in the neck, shoulder, at the site of a surgical scar or iontophoresis injections.