Epithelioma Necrotizing

Epitheliomas are malignant tumors that develop from the surface epithelium that lines the surface of the skin, mucous membranes of internal organs, the oral cavity and the cornea of ​​the eyes. Of the malignant tumors of epithelial origin, the most common are squamous cell cancer of the skin and mucous membranes, transitional cell tumor of the paranasal sinuses, cancer of the cornea and gastric mucosa. The most malignant of all malignant epithelial tumors is cancer of the nasal airways and larynx.

Necratolytic epithelioma is a malignant tumor that develops from stratified squamous epithelium of the skin. This type of tumor is very dangerous and can cause the death of the patient. It is extremely rare, affecting no more than 0.5% of patients with skin cancer. The development of non-cratal epithelioma can be associated with various reasons: radiation exposure, as well as exposure to chemicals on the skin, insolation. At the initial stages, the disease is difficult to diagnose, as it resembles a benign neoplasm.