Epithelium Multirow

Multirow epithelium - epithelial cells, arranged in a row, externally resemble the previous type of cells, but contain several layers of basement membrane. This way they look denser. In this form, the cells are located on the surface of the mucous membranes and internal organs.

The cells can be found on the surface of the skin, namely in the mucus of the salivary glands or in the stomach, where they are located in the stratum corneum. In addition, they can be found on the mucous membrane of the digestive system. In addition, the gallbladder and oral cavity become overgrown with such cells. They are present in the glandular organs of hearing. Found in the epithelium of the kidneys or lungs. The cells are located in the respiratory tract and form the secretory layer of the mucous membrane. This element is also found in the submucosal layer of the esophagus. In the gastric analogue, they are localized in the tissues of the stomach and the secretory layer in epithelial cells. The location can also be considered when analyzing the submucosal layer of the intestine, bladder, vagina in women or seminal receptacle in men. During pregnancy, external types of cells are also found in the placenta. Epithelial tissues for the body are divided into producers of salts and liquids. Therefore, cells actively secrete all substances during their life, due to which they have mobility and form an outer layer in different parts of the body.

The layer obtained from the apparatus with polymers is located in interlayers and contains two types of layers. These types of epithelial cells are called multilayered. They also have a basement membrane. The number of layers in the cell structure can be different, from three to ten. Moreover, each element contains a number of cells from one layer. Terminal cells form the tip of all areas because they arise from the outer layer of the basal plastic. The internal structural appearance of cells, they play an important role in the growth of the epithelium and the maintenance of the entire structure.

The functions of epithelial cells are very diverse; it is considered a type of mesenchyme, which has three layers. The first type is superficial. The outer layer consists of the smallest cells and is more resistant to chemicals.